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How to unite your team through teambuilding


Guest articles > How to unite your team through teambuilding


by: Tom Tolladay


Remember back to your first day at work. Where you worried, excited, happy or calm about the job? Most of us reach our peak with excitement and enthusiasm in the first few days, weeks and months of our new job. After a while adjusting to the daily schedule and routine the weary effects of time start to take hold and before you know it that excitement and enthusiasm of your first day has gone. This is where team spirit becomes crucial. A great atmosphere and unity between your colleagues is the best to reverse the trend and keep employee motivation and spirit high. A badly motivated team, no matter how smart will not work to their potential if the daily routine starts to grind them down. Team building exercises have now become a great way to establish team morale as well as improve team efficiency and communication. Ultimately team building helps your team stay motivated, appreciate the work and make your business more successful.

Team building gives a sense of belonging to your staff. A business is a team and these activities can help people make friends and feel wanted as well as making employees learn things about themselves as individuals. The things they discover can help them at work or even in a personal way, either way it is sure to help them and therefore they will work harder for you and everyone else. This can also help with misunderstandings and conflicts within the workplace. Team building will help people talk about any issues and sort them out efficiently so no divisions occur in the workplace that would jeopardise team effectiveness and morale. Team building days can be fun and challenging, the type of activity you choose differs depending on the size of the business and what line of work you are in, but in general it should be fun but promote greater communication and team work ethics.

Traditional team tasks are great at promoting co-operation and help cement friendships within your business; however improving motivation is also another important factor to consider. You could send your team on an activity weekend on a tropical island but while they may all become friends, when they return to work, the motivation for the job itself may not have been renewed.

Involving the office in any decision on teambuilding may also be a great way in tailoring your activity to the needs of your workforce. They may ask for special training or to learn a new and interesting skill, or just simply partake in a fun activity to help cement working relationships, either way making sure your team will actually enjoy the activity is of vital importance.

The fact is that teambuilding will lead to a greater understanding and appreciation by your staff of their role in the company. Employees will love that their job is seen as important and valued and come to work happier and more motivated as a result. Overall the sheer diversity and variety in teambuilding means that it has a lot to offer every business. Whether it is improving communication and team work or simply creating stronger bonds between employees, teambuilding is worth serious consideration when looking to breathe new life into your company.

Written by Tom Tolladay, event organiser for Chillisauce, specialising in Stag Weekends and Activity Weekends.

Contributor: Tom Tolladay

Published here on: 15-Jan-12

Classification: Teamwork

Website: Chillisauce


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