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Resume / CV Broadcasting Tips


Disciplines > Job-finding > Resume / CV > Resume / CV Broadcasting Tips

Blasting | Monster, etc. | LinkedIn, Facebook (etc.) | See also


It is quite easy to spread your resume / CV around the world, but is anyone reading it? And is it a good idea anyway?

Here's some tips about putting yourself about.


'Blasting' is the practice of sending your resume / CV to a large number of recruiters. There are agencies which will do this for you, and sometimes without asking you about it (for example if they get commission when you get a job).

The general principle is that either a copy will find its way somehow to the right hands or otherwise recruiters will see so many copies that they will eventually be persuaded to put you forward.

In practice, recruiters are more likely to get heartily sick of seeing your resume / CV and consequently always ignore it.

Blasting also loses you any control of what happens to your resume / CV, which may end up in places where you would rather it not appear. It also means that if you are currently in a job, your resume / CV is more likely to turn up unannounced in your manager's email or in application for other jobs at your firm.

Monster, etc.

Job websites allow you to post your resume / CV for recruiters to search for jobs they have in mind.

As this is a general posting you cannot customize the resume / CV for a particular job. As postings here may well be scanned electronically, the critical trick is to include key words that will be applicable for any of the jobs which you are seeking.

There is also the danger that your employer may do a search and find that you are looking for another job. If you are important to them, this is more likely. You can do this deliberately as a ploy to increase your salary, but beware of it backfiring.

It can be better to search for jobs where you do not need to post personal details first. 

LinkedIn, Facebook, (etc.)

These days, a lot is said about you in your online accounts in sites such as LinkedIn, where you full resume / CV may be available to anyone. Even social sites, Twitter and other

A particularly important thing to do is ensure that what is shown on social and professional sites about you is in strict alignment with what you have put in any version of your resume / CV.

Careful placement

A better approach than blasting is careful placement. Think before you post.

Also ensure consistency amongst all posts, including in any conversations you have.

See also

How to Get Your Resume/CV Noticed, Resume/CV Language

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