Conversion books
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Conversion books
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Flo Conway, Jim Siegelman, Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden
Personality Change, Stillpoint Press, 1995
With a focus in destructive groups, this book pays particular attention to
the process where people suddenly convert, changing the root of their belief
system. First published in 1978. |
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Mary Alice Chrnalogar, Twisted Scriptures, Zondervan, 2000
A book on how religious organisations, many of which appear to the public as
normal churches, control their audiences, including the redefinition of
religious texts. A particular focus is put on ICOC.
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Steven Hassan, Combatting Cult Mind Control, Park Street Press,
One of the classics on controlling groups from a former high-level Moonie
who has since dedicated his life to helping others. Includes good
descriptions of how cults operate as well as examples of Hassan's approach
to helping people recover from them. |
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Steven Hassan, Releasing The Bonds: Empowering People to Think for
Themselves, Aitan Publishing Company, 2000
Another solid book from Steve Hassan, who was himself a high-level Moonie.
The major focus of this text is, as might be surmised, helping people who
have recently left a coercive group. Hassan has developed a 'strategic
intervention' approach that is much softer than the older 'deprogramming'
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Michael D. Langone, Recovery from Cults: Help for Victims of
Psychological and Spiritual Abuse, Norton, 1995
sound book for people who have left coercive groups, aimed at helping them
recover and regain their self in the outside world. |
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Deborah Layton, Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor's Story of Life
and Death in the Peoples Temple, Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1999
clarion warning for people seeking meaning who might join an authoritarian
groups. For the uninitiated, Jim Jones led his cult first into the jungle of
Guyana and then into mass suicide. Layton was one of the few that survived
and her story is a spellbinding and alarming tale. |
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William Sargant, Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of
Conversion and Brainwashing, Malor Books, 1997
academic, yet very readable, classic for the serious reader on
conversion from an NY Psychology professor. It examines in detail the
step-by-step process of conversion and, in particular,
breaking point at which we crack.
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Margaret Thaler Singer, Cults in Our Midst: The Continuing Fight Against
Their Hidden Menace, Wiley, 2003
Republished version of original classic study of cults from Psychology
Professor. Describes cults in general and specific cults in detail. |
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Madeleine Landau Tobias, Janja Lalich, Michael Langone, Captive Hearts,
Captive Minds : Freedom and Recovery from Cults and Other Abusive
Relationships, Hunter House, 1994
detailed look at the process of recovery from a conversion experience, with
a particular focus on helping those directly involved. Includes analysis of
cults and their leaders and how they operate. |
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Denise Winn, The Manipulated Mind: Brainwashing, Conditioning and
Indoctrination, ISHK Book Service, 2000
well-researched and excellent coverage of all forms of conversion. First
published in 1984. |
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