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Project governance
Disciplines > Change Management > The 4D Change Project Framework > Project governance Project team meetings | Steering group | Reporting | See also
Project governance is the system by which a project is managed and supported at the highest level necessary to ensure it is successfully completed. Project team meetingsProjects often meet weekly in meeting run by the Project Manager (although meetings may be more or less often, depending on the rate of change and severity of issues). Four areas are typically covered:
The Project Manager will also hold many other meetings with various team members and stakeholders. Steering groupChange projects often report to a higher-level management team which includes representatives from all the departments and areas which the change project affects. This group has two key functions:
The 'normal' activity of the group thus includes gate approvals and assessment of reports, which may lead to changes in planned activities. They also approve any other requested changes, particularly when it requires additional resource commitments or significant behavioral change. The group is led by a senior manager (sometimes called the Senior Responsible Officer) who has authority over all of the departments represented and can, if necessary, mandate actions. This group, then, is the ultimate point of escalation for issues that cannot be resolved at more local levels. ReportingProjects often report on progress in standardized formats, typically with a combination of qualitative and quantitative narratives and charts. Completion to scheduleA very common report is whether items are completed to schedule. This leads to discussion and rearrangement of the plan to catch up if at all possible. Change risks and issuesThe potential problems in change projects are well-known and a good Change Project Manager will keep a close eye on them. If possible, risks are avoided by prior action. Where necessary, issues are escalated to a point of resolution. RAGA common method of reporting is with a 'traffic-light' system that flags the project as red, amber or green. This makes for clear and colorful displays that are easy to discuss. Generally speaking:
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