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InAffinity Absolute Beginners' Course Series 2 Practice Files


Disciplines > Photography > Affinity Photo > Resources > InAffinity Absolute Beginners' Course Series 2 Practice Files


In the YouTube Absolute Beginners' Course Series 2, a number of photos are used to illustrate the techniques shown. Here are the zipped files for you to work along with the instruction.

<Click here to download files>

Please note that the files were originally very big and have been compressed to facilitate download speed and file space.

Below is an index to help you identify which file to use with which episode.



Practice file name

 1: Straightening the Perspective

abc 2-1.jpg

 2: Squaring up the Perspective

abc 2-2.jpg

 3: A First Look at Layers

abc 2-3.jpg

 4: The Ghost in the Gallery

abc 2-4a.jpg and abc 2-4b.jpg

 5: Understanding Adjustment Layers

abc 2-5.jpg

 6: Layer Sequence and Sharpening

abc 2-6.jpg

 7: Full Edit: Layers and Adjustments

abc 2-7.jpg

 8: Using Adjustment Control Panel

abc 2-8.jpg

 9: Starting Out with Layer Groups

abc 2-9.jpg

10: Using the Info Panel and White Balance

abc 2-10.jpg

11: Full Edit with Layers and Groups

abc 2-11.jpg

12: Colour Effects using the Gradient Map Adjustment

abc 2-12.jpg

13: Using a Gradient for a New Sky

abc 2-13.jpg

14: Effects with Shapes and Gradients

abc 2-14.jpg

15: Using Masks (part 1)

abc 2-15.jpg

16: Accurate Masking with Selection (masks part 2)

abc 2-16a.jpg and abc 2-16b.jpg

17: Turning a Selection into a Mask

abc 2-17.jpg

18: Built-in Masks in Adjustments

abc 2-18.jpg

19: Painting in Adjustment via Mask

abc 2-19.jpg

20: Dodge and Burn using Layers

abc 2-20.jpg

21: Starting to Use Child Layers

abc 2-21.jpg

22: Child Layer Tips, Tricks and Traps

abc 2-22.jpg

23: Creating a Basic Composite Image

abc 2-23a.jpg and abc 2-23b.jpg

24: Adding Texture to a Photo

abc 2-24a.jpg, abc 2-24b.jpg and abc 2-24c.jpg

25: Effects using 'Layer FX' Control

abc 2-25.jpg

26: Using Selective Colour for Change the 'Feel'

abc 2-26.jpg

27: Perking up a Pic with Selective Colour

abc 2-27.jpg

28: Adding a Vignette to a Photo

abc 2-28.jpg

29: Full Edit

abc 2-29.jpg

30: Summary and Free Practice Files!

Zip file containing all of the above plus this document


Please note that I took all of photos used, so they're copyright. All this means is that you can't make money from them. Do feel free to tell others about them, show what you've done to them with your friends and so on.

See also

Affinity Photo Tutorials on Absolute Beginner's Course

InAffinity Absolute Beginners' Course Series 1 Practice Files

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