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Dave's Burn Checker Plus


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Click here to download the latest 'Dave's Burn Checker Plus' macro set.

To insert this into your library, simply click on the 3-line 'hamburger' on the top right of the library panel, click on 'Import Macros...' and point it at the downloaded file. Then click on the layer for which you want a model and click once on the appropriate macro in the 'Dave's Burn Checker Plus' library group category.


To use the Burn Checker Plus, click on the macro name in the Library. A layer is created called 'Burn Checker'. Double click on this to open it. It is a Procedural Texture adjustment. Just ignore the calculations near the top.

To explore RGB colours which are burned (reached their maximum), set 'Show Lights?' to 1. Pixels affected are inverted so you can see them, so those which are burned to white are shown as black, while yellow pixels are blue (the inverse of yellow). To explore RGB colours which are zero (reached their minimum), set 'Show Lights?' to 1. Here, a pixel which is red has the red value at zero.

You can also adjust Lights Limit and Darks Limit sliders to stretch the zone being selected. This is useful for exploring areas of the image which are near 1 or 0. This is useful when you are going to adjust colours such that they might bump against the maximum and minimum end-stops.

The other macro, 'Burn Checker to Mask' can be clicked after using the Burn Checker to turn the areas which have changed colour into a mask. This is useful for adjusting or excluding these areas, or even deliberately selecting light or dark areas in the image. Note that the mask is put at the bottom of the Layers stack as it just looks confusing at the top. Alt-click it to see what it really looks like.

See also

If you are having problems downloading the presets, here they are as a zip file


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