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Dave's Colour Models


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Click here to download the latest 'Dave's Colour Models' macro set.

To insert this into your library, simply click on the 3-line 'hamburger' on the top right of the library panel, click on 'Import Macros...' and point it at the downloaded file. Then click on the layer for which you want a model and click once on the appropriate macro in the 'Dave's Colour Models' library group category.


These macros each create a set of layers for different parts of a set of colour models, some traditional and some new. They aim to be fairly clean in doing this, and so:

  • Start with a 'Merge Visible' to create a single layer containing the overall view (hence avoiding copying layers with various adjustments that could later cause problems).

  • Duplicate this layer to form the base for the colour model.

  • Use simplest methods available (though some need Apply Image which can be slow to calculate).

  • Name the layers created, so you can see what they are.

  • Remove adjustments created on the way (such as curves layers) to leave just the model layers.

  • Use Groups, including a final group as needed so you can treat it as one object and delete it in one go.


Models created include:

  • RGB: Simple separation of Red, Green and Blue.

  • RGBW: A new model, adding a White layer much like the CMYK Black layer.

  • RGB-W: Same as RGBW, but with RGB all in one layer, so you can just have separate colour and tonal layers.

  • CMY: Inversion of RGB, just with secondary colours Cyan, Magenta and Yellow.

  • CMYK: CMY with Black 'extracted'.

  • CMY-K: Two layers, one for colour, the other for tone. Sort of opposite of RGB-W.

  • HSL: Hue, Saturation and Lightness in separate layers! Lets you do such as paint saturation up and down.

  • 3M Dominance: Three layers, mapping each pixel to the highest (max), middle (mid) and lowest (min) value RGB colours. Useful to create masks and shape colour.

  • 3M Dominance Gaps: The gaps between all pairs of max, mid and min, as monochrome layers (useful for masking/blending).

See also

If you are having problems downloading the macros, here they are as a zip file

Version 1 still available as .afmacros and zip files


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