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Dave's Partial TST (Tint, Shade and Tone)


Disciplines > Photography > Affinity Photo > Resources > Dave's Partial TST (Tint, Shade and Tone)



Click here to download the latest 'Dave's Partial TST' macro set.

To insert this into your library, simply click on the 3-line 'hamburger' on the top right of the library panel, click on 'Import Macros...' and point it at the downloaded file. Then click on the layer for which you want to apply the macro (and make sure this layer is what you see and not changed by layers above) and click once on the appropriate macro in the 'Dave's Partial TST' library group category.


These macros each create a pixel layer plus a Procedural Texture adjustment in which you can adjust tints, shades and tones (TST). 

To use the result:

  • Select a pixel layer (usually the top one).

  • Click on the macro in the Affinity Photo Library. This will result in a new layer appearing above the initial layer, containing a new pixel layer (copy of the visible image) plus a Procedural Texture adjustment.

  • Optionally turn off all layers that affect the visible image other than the copy of the original and the attached Procedural Texture adjustment. This will make the selection you choose more visible. This can be helped if Document/Transparent Background is checked.

  • Double click on the new adjustment (white, Procedural Texture).

  • Adjust sliders as follows:

    • Coarse Extent: Slide up to increase the range of pixels selected.

    • Fine Extent: Gentler control of range of pixels (use after initial Coarse adjustment).

    • Hardness: Increase to see pixels selected and harden edges.

  • Use the 'Create Mask' macro by first selecting the adjusted pixel layer and turning off other layers so you can see the area selected (Ensure Document/Transparent Background is checked). Then click the macro to put a mask at the bottom of the layers and also add a Spare Channel in the Channels panel (then use either for masking).


  • Initially, the sliders are all to the left and have no effect. Sliding them all to the right selects most or everything.

  • Sliding the Hardness fully up or even high is useful for creating masks, but can give visible lines if used for overlaid adjustment.

  • The method of selecting tints and tones is different to the Affinity default for luminosity, which combines 30% Red, 59% Green and 11% Blue. These macros select based on minimum and maximum values of R, G and B.

There is a wide number of ways to use these macros, for example:

  • Simple adjustment of lights, darks and tones, using controls in Procedural Texture and using the default Blend Mode.

  • Experimenting with other Blend Modes to get different effects.

  • Creating masks to constrain other adjustments.

  • Inverting masks to get reversal effects, for example inverting a tone mask and using Curves to brighten or darken more highly coloured pixels.


Macros created include:

  • Partial Tint: Selects pixels where the minimum R, G or B value is higher than the Extent selected. Default Blend Mode: Screen.

  • Partial Shade: Selects pixels where the maximum R, G or B value is lower than the Extent selected. Default Blend Mode: Multiply.

  • Partial Tone: Selects pixels where the maximum and minimum of R, G or B values is less than the Extent selected. Default Blend Mode: Overlay.

  • Create Mask and Spare Channel: Uses visible image to create a mask (moved to bottom layer for convenience) and a copy of this as a 'Spare Channel' (in Channels panel). Often best when Hardness is lower.

  • Feathered Mask and Spare Channel: Likewise creates mask, but this time feathers the edge (for use to soften when Hardness is fully up).

See also

If you are having problems downloading the macros, click here to download as zip file.



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