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Ready Body Language
Techniques > Using Body Language > Closed Body Language Language of readiness | Reasons for readiness | See also
A significant cluster of body movements are all about being ready for something. Language of readinessA ready body is poised for action. PointingAny part of the body may be pointing at where the person is thinking about. This may be another person or the door. This may be as subtle as a foot or as obvious as the whole body leaning. Eyes may also repeated flash over in the intended direction. TensionThe body is tensed up and ready for action. If sitting, hands may hold onto armrests in readiness to get up. Legs are tensed ready to lift the body. Things in the hand are gripped. Attention is away from everything except the intended direction. HookingThe hands may slightly hook clothing, in particular with thumbs hooked into the waistband. This is like a not-quite putting of hands in pockets, indicating the person is relaxed but ready to move quickly. MovementWhere there is movement, it is in preparation for further movement. Legs uncross. Hands grab bags, straighten clothing, and so on. The whole body leans in the intended direction. Reasons for readinessThere can be several reasons for a ready body language. LeavingThe person may want to leave. Perhaps they have another appointment. Perhaps they are uncomfortable with the situation and just want to get out of there. Ready to buyWhen a person is ready to buy, then they may send readiness signals. They point at the thing they want to buy or the contract that needs selling. Continuing conversationReadiness may also be to talk more. When you are talking and they show readiness signals, maybe they just want to say something. Ready to fightWhen a person sees a real or verbal fight coming up, they put their body in a position where they can move quickly, either to attack or to defend. See also |
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