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What Jobs Get Tipped?


Techniques > Tipping > Articles > What Jobs Get Tipped?

Description | Discussion | See also



What types of job get tipped? Clearly waiting tables is a very common position that many of us meet (maybe both as waiter and customer). Taxis also seem to command tips. Who else?

Azar (2005) identified the following list. Note that the 'Overall tipping value' is simply a sum of how common and how important tippng was perceived to be.



How common to tip them How important to tip them Overall tip value
Waiter 5 5 10
Wine steward 4 5 9
Taxi driver 5 3 8
House movers 4 4 8
Pizza delivery 4 4 8
Cruise steward 4 4 8
Bartender 4 4 8
Room service waiter 4 4 8
Golf caddy 4 4 8
Car wash worker 3 4 7
Busboy 3 4 7
Facials person 3 4 7
Manicure/Pedicure 3 4 7
Barber 4 2 6
Newspaper boy 2 4 6
Washroom attendant 2 4 6
Tour guide 3 2 5
Casino dealer 2 3 5
Masseuse/Masseur 2 3 5
Hotel chambermaid 2 2 4
Gas station attendant 1 2 3
Diving instructor 1 1 2
Ski instructor 1 1 2



Azar noted that tipping was primarily driven by customer perception of the evident need of the person as well as the empathy that the customer feels for the server.

There is also a matter of customary practice, but how does this establish itself? If you work in a service profession where you feel you could get tipped, one way is to put up a message, saying that 'the normal tip is 10%'. Many people will see this as a rule and, not wanting to appear mean, will comply with the suggestion.

See also

Tell Them

Azar, O.H. (2005). Who do we tip and why? An empirical investigation, Applied Economics, 37, 1871–1879


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