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Your experiences in the next ChangingMinds book!


After the success of Changing Minds: In Detail, I am now writing Changing Minds: In Practice. And I need your experiences to be in it!

>> Just click here to go to the 'here's a story' page <<


So what's it about?

I wamt your experiences about changing minds for the next Changing Minds book that I'm now writing.

Changing Minds: In Detail has been pretty successful and I've shipped copies of the book all over the world. I promised in that if there was enough interest, I'd write another book about how it happens out there. Well there is, and I am.

So what can you do?

Easy. All you need to do is send me your experience about persuasion, negotiation, leadership, influence or whatever changing minds you or others have tried or done.

What I'm looking for

I'm looking for a wide range of different experiences, in various professions and all walks of life. I want to hear about what has happened at work and school, about selling, buying, dating, leadership, teaching and more.

I want to weave as many real experiences as I can around descriptions of the underlying methods being used, so I'm looking for relatively short tales that may be one paragraph or may take up one page. I'm not really looking for long, multi-page stories.

I'm looking for experiences in persuasions that worked and attempts that failed. I'm looking for things you have done and things where you were the target of persuasion. I'm looking for things you have heard about or which happened to friends or relatives.

What I'll do with your story

First, I'll have to sort out the experiences I can and can't use, though I'd like to use as many as I can. If I'm going to use your tale, I'll email you back to let you know.

What I won't do with your story

What I won't do is pass on any information you send to me to anyone else. And if you don't want to be named in the book, then I won't name you.


'What's In It For Me', you might ask. Fair question. Well first of all, there will be the fun of seeing your story in print. And for everyone whose stories get published or described in any way, I'll send you a free, first-edition copy of the book.


Many thanks!




>> Just click here to go to the 'here's an experience' page <<


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