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Disciplines > Warfare > Principles > Erosion

Principle | Effect | Invoking | Analogy | See also



Wear them out. Drain their energy until they no longer want to fight.


We all have a limited amount of energy, both physical and spiritual. When we are surprised and when we have to act then we expend that energy. Further, when our hopes are dashed and expectations confused, our spirits are drained. Eventually we become so tired, we just want to give in and go home.


Wear them out. Make them move large distances, then again and again. Force their moves over difficult terrain.

Pick at them, forcing them to be constantly alert. Make small and surprising incursions and attacks. Use guerilla methods.

Deny them the things they need. Cut off their food and other supplies. Destroy their shelters. Lay siege. Block their paths. Raid their supply lines. If you have to retreat, use scorched earth.

Make them fight one battle after another. Build their hopes then let them down. Tire them until they just want it all to end and no longer have the strength or spirit to do so by fighting. Then offer them a peaceful way out.


In negotiation, use such as nibbling and any of the many other tactics to keep them on their toes and wear them down. This includes when you are buying things. Let sales people invest so much time with you they are so desperate to get a payoff in terms of a sale that they give you a good deal.

If you want to complain to a company, just keep going, writing letters, emails, blogs and keeping them on the phone until you get what you want. Do not settle for anything less than what you deserve. Many service organizations work on the principle of eroding you until you give up. Be determined and beat them at their own game.

See also

Ambush, Feint, Harassment, Starvation, Yerkes-Dodson Law

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