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Statement of Benefits


Techniques Public speaking > Preparing the Presentation > Statement of Benefits

Description | Example | Discussion | See also



Clearly describe to your audience at the start of your presentation the benefits that they will receive from listening to you. Keep this statement relatively short and clear.

You can also add a summary of how you are going to deliver the benefits, for example through explanation of principles or illustration by examples. You may even be able to get them to practice some things.

As you go through the presentation you can remind them of benefits to them of each stage. You can also include a summary of benefits in the closing stage.


In this talk today I am going to show you some of the errors that politicians have made in their speeches so you can avoid such gaffes in future.


A big question that any person in an audience may ask is 'Why am I here?' and, in particular, 'What's in it for me?' This is such a common question it has been abbreviated to 'WIIFM', so you need to tell them in a WIIFY (What's in it for you) statement of benefits.

To consider this can be a challenge for a speaker who knows the benefits for themselves (accolade, persuasion, etc.)

Benefits can include simply knowing something, but more important for most people is the ability to act, to do things that will help them solve problems and make their lives easier or otherwise more pleasurable.

Although we talk about 'delivering' benefits, actually most benefits are what people gain from using what you tell them. The only benefit they receive from you in the presentation is likely to be sufficient knowledge so they can act to gain those benefits at a later date.

When you have a mixed audience, then a benefit for one may not be a benefit for another, so you may need to make sure you cover enough benefits for most people.

In a single presentation you are unlikely to be able to solve all of your audience's problems, so benefits need to be few and focused. In practice, if you can deliver one key benefit for most people you can claim a good success.

See also

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