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Pride Thinking


Techniques Willpower > Doing > Pride Thinking

Description | Example | Discussion | See also



When you want to do something but are finding difficult to get going or keep going with it, a way to motivate yourself is to focus on the pride you will feel when you will complete the job.

Go out into the future and notice how proud you will feel when you have done what needs to be done, even though it seemed difficult. Feel proud not only of the achievement but also of the challenges you have overcome, including taking the first step along this road to success.

Come back to the present, bringing the pride with you as you put the vision into practice.

If you find it particularly awkward, you can start with small things, still feeling proud about overcoming the very real internal difficulties you have overcome.


An introverted person wants to talk more with other people but finds even opening a conversation to be awkward. They decide to get into practice and feel a little pride in this decision. First, they read some books about the subject and then start speaking with strangers more, just saying 'hello' and making small talk. Each time, they take time to feel good about what they have achieved and this good feeling drives them on to the next, slightly more involving step. Before long, they are chatting easily with other people and smiling inside at this transformation.


Pride is a two-sided emotion. On one side, it is one of the seven deadly sins, where prideful arrogance can be anti-social and lead to a person being disliked by others. On the other hand, it also has a very positive side where being proud of your achievements can be a strong motivator to achieve more. The difference is whether the focus of the pride is outer- or inner-directed. Outer-directed pride is about status, putting yourself above others, using your wealth, position or achievements to place yourself as superior person. Inner-directed pride is about having a healthy and respectful self-image that gives you confidence and strength.

Pride can be more effective than shame, although this can also depend on attraction vs. avoidance preference and general principle of attraction and avoidance.

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