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Start Writing Now
Guest articles > Start Writing Now
by: Louis Lautman
So you have always wanted to write...right? What makes you think you can write? If you believe you can are write, I mean right. Pre-historic man used symbols etched on the wall with rocks to convey information and communicate to others the story of their lives and let others know who roamed the land and where food was. Today most of us learn to write by age six or seven, some of us by five. We usually pick up our first crayons by age three and make a mess, but as the years go by we learn to stay in the lines. If you are reading this, I will assume that you can stay in the lines and have the ability to read and write. So how does one start writing? First you must decide why you want to write, are you writing just to write or would you like others to read what it is that you are writing. Who do you want to read your writing and why do you want them to read it. Decide who your target audience is and what do you want them to be thinking when they are finished reading you writing? Are you informing, entertaining, or trying to make behavior and attitude changes? As long as you believe that you can add credible information to the topic in which you are writing, you have earned the right to write on that topic. Next, you must realize that you have always had the ability to write, you have only decided to do other things with your time. Many of us have had the limiting belief that "I am just not a writer," or "I am just not creative." I invite you to consider that was true up until now. If you decide that you are now a writer and what you write is creative, you will suddenly become a creative writer. Success is not achieved overnight (usually not...but who knows?), but if you practice your new belief as a creative writer, you will as time goes by, become a very creative writer...maybe one of the best. So you must rid your negative belief about your ability and accept that you do have the ability to be a writer (I now anoint you as a creative writer). So now that you have been anointed as a creative writer, you must practice saying "I am a writer" and "I am writing a ______ (insert what ever you are writing, book, poem, article, journal, essay, short story...etc.). Feels different...doesn't it? That's OK, because the more you say it the better it begins to feel. So if you have wanted to write in the past, but were doing other things, what would you rather not do and write? Confused? OK, say that instead of wasting you time watching television, you decided to write. Practice saying "when I feel like watching television, I write." This way you will break your bad habit and replace it with a productive, relaxing and fun habit. You've decided to write, you know your audience, you've been anointed a writer and now you're ready to what? Jump on in, the water is just fine. You can write anywhere at any time. The finest thought runs the risk of being irrevocably forgotten if we do not write it down. Most of you best writing will be done when you are inspired. Always carry paper so you can write when you are inspired. If someone asks why you are carrying paper, you can practice saying "I always need paper because I am writing a _____(insert what you are writing)." You will write more because you will always have paper with you. Look forward to writing and be thankful that you can, because there are those who can not. Anytime you have free time is also an excellent time to write. You can even schedule time in your day to write once a week to everyday. You begin writing and hit a wall. Write down your ideas, they do not have to be full sentences or grammatically correct, the important thing is that the pen is to the paper and you just keep writing no matter how much you think what you are writing does not matter. Keep writing like you talk, don’t worry about errors, just write. You can organize your ideas and concepts later and file as you are getting words on paper, the important thing is quantity, not quality. You will have a chance to clean up what you wrote later. What do you do with all these words on your paper? Take what it is you are writing on, and create an outline of the basic ideas you will want to include in your final draft. Put the information you have under each heading of that out line and put into logical, grammatically correct order. If you think that this job will never be done, relax and take one step at a time, and keep going until the end. Remember the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. When you are reading there are no visuals, so put the visuals that you see in your mind into words. Put the sounds that you want the reader to hear into words. The same goes for the smells, feelings and tastes. You have the ingredients and tools, and you know how to use them. The only thing left to do now is to start writing. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are most masterpieces, but you sure can put a lot of words on paper in a short amount of time. The challenge is being able to arrange these words so they eloquently communicate the message you are wanting to convey to the reader. Specifically now that you have the knowledge, it is up to you to take action. I feel blessed that I have the freedom to write about anything that my heart desires and I believe you should too. You can carry a pen and paper always and the more people that you tell you are a writer to, the more you are held accountable to become a writer and likely to become one. I look forward to reading your next masterpiece and if "you think it…Ink it."
Louis Lautman, he is a business consultant, life coach and peak performance expert. He is the president of International Sales University, a sales training company based in Miami FL. He runs extraordinary public and private seminars to create breakthroughs and transform your life. Louis can be contacted at 813-380-7467 or Check his website at
Contributor: Louis Lautman Published here on: 09-Sep-07 Classification: Development, Business MSWord document: Start Writing Now.doc Website: |
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