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The Leadership Secrets to Separate Yourself From Average Employees


Guest articles > The Leadership Secrets to Separate Yourself From Average Employees


by: Alexander Mobley, MBA


Average employees have similar traits. They do just what is required. They never ask questions or seek feedback for improvement. They take constructive feedback personally. They do not desire to have a great relationship with their supervisor. They do not pursue excellence. And most of all, they settle for their current condition!

If you hate being average and want to learn the one leadership secret that will propel you to a higher standard, then you are reading the correct article that will get you started on the right path towards your unique greatness.

This leadership secret is simple, so do not perceive it as complex. You only believe what you think! Therefore, I would like to ask you to forget the traditional success principles that you previously learned in the process of reading this article. I am not suggesting that those principles do not work, my request is just for you to have an "open mind to discover a new way to be successful”.

The success principle is a leadership principle, because leadership development leads to personal and business success. Here is the principle:

To separate yourself from the average employee, “You must do everything with EXCELLENCE”. It’s that simple.

A few examples: Arrive to work early and be the last one to leave! Ask your supervisor questions to learn new ways to perform better and improve your leadership and communication skills! If you do not get along with your supervisor or a particular employee, change that now, and work hard to develop a positive and fun relationship with everyone; great employees get along with everyone, because they understand the positive energy in “effective teamwork”. Develop creative ideas that will add tremendous value to your company! Find a young leader and mentor him/her to be better than you when you where in his position! Seek out opportunities for yourself and for your team to improve and learn new skills! Find someone that is on the level of where you want to be, and ask that leader to be your mentor; if he/she agrees, make sure you value their time.

One last tip: As you pursue excellence in everything you do to separate yourself from average employees, there will be times when you feel like your hard work is not paying off. However, do not listen to that negative voice or feeling. Great leaders persevere through the toughest situations, because they understand that they themselves have to create the life that they want to live. Great leaders do not allow their circumstances to dictate their future success. So create your great future by pursuing EXCELLENCE, and when you succeed, send me a note about your great success.

Copyright GLE 2010. Author: Alexander Mobley, MBA


Alexander Mobley is a leadership expert and the founder of Great Leadership Enterprises (GLE). Please visit him at If you or your organization would like to have Alexander as a guess or speaker, please click here to Book Alexander or contact him at

Contributor: Alexander Mobley

Published here on: 04-Apr-10

Classification: Leadership



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