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Before You Sell Anything, You Have To Sell Yourself


Guest articles > Before You Sell Anything, You Have To Sell Yourself


by: Jonathan Farrington


Just as you are selling to people, you must also remember that you are not only selling and representing a product or service, but you are in effect selling yourself. When beginning a sales relationship, it is important to remember a few key aspects to representing yourself well.

First, be interesting. If potential customers are bored by you, they have less of a chance of being enthralled by any product or service you are representing.

Develop intellect. Of course you are an intelligent person, but can you converse in an intelligent manner? Can you discuss related subjects with thoughtfulness and hold your clients’ interest? You are in their territory now, can you speak their language?

Never be arrogant — never talk up or down to your potential clients. It’s rude and will serve only to alienate them.

Respect the buyer, and they will respect you.

Along the same lines, develop your empathy levels. If you can relate to your customers’ situations authentically, it helps to build rapport.

Rapport is the most important process in influencing others. It is vital if you want to maintain relationships. Without it, you are unlikely to achieve willing agreement to what you want. People who have excellent rapport with others create harmonious relationships based on trust and understanding of mutual needs.

Do also remember that you cannot rely on logic. Emotion drives 84 per cent of all buying decisions, not logic.

What are the chief buying emotions?

They include ego, security, and pride of ownership, greed, health, prestige, status, ambition, and fear of loss.

Be well aware of these emotions as you approach, engage and deal with your customers.

>> Recommended reading: “Who Needs Empathy?

This is an extract from “MY TWELVE GOLDEN PRINCIPLES OF SELLING” which you can download for free here.

Finally, the greatest compliment a customer can pay you is to describe you as “professional”

Don’t worry about being liked — be respected! Customers do not buy from you because they like you, but rather because they are prepared to trust you.

Being professional is not one thing, it is three – It is what you do, what you say and how you present yourself.

Jonathan Farrington is Chairman of The JF Corporation and CEO of Top Sales Associates, based in London and Paris. He is also the creator and CEO of Top Sales World and the man behind the Annual Top Sales Awards. More about Jonathan:

Contributor: Jonathan Farrington

Published here on: 21-Aug-11

Classification: Leadership


MSWord: Before You Sell Anything.docx

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