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Finding the Decision Maker


Guest articles > Finding the Decision Maker


by: Sarika Periwal


In most customer related problems there is a need to find a figure of authority who works for the company who can make a decision about the concerned case to solve it. The members of the customer relationship management teams usually are the first rung of the ladder and have very limited decision making authority. They can only follow the procedures outlined for them in standard operating manuals. They cannot independently come up with solutions to help the customer. This is why each time the customer has a somewhat more complex problem this first line of help often fails.

What should the customer care team do?

Just because the customer care team professional is unable to solve the customer’s problem does not mean that he or she is of no use to the customer. The company employee is aware of the person who the customer must approach in order to solve their unique problem and so must put them in touch with that person. It is that person who will be the final decision maker for the customer and help them solve their problem. The real problem arises when the customer care team member has no clue about the person in authority who the customer should be speaking with. This is when they stumble and stutter and generally appear helpless to the customer.

There is no single decision maker in the company anymore

Part of the reason why the customer care team member does not know whom to approach is the fact that there is no single decision maker in a large sized company any more. In a small concern it is simple to find the person who is in charge, not so in a larger organization. There are different people in charge of different aspects of the company and the customer may have trouble with one or many aspects at the same time. Another reason why the customer care team member can’t match up the decision maker with the customer is that he is himself unaware of who the decision makers in specific areas of the company are. This problem can be fairly easily solved if they are provided with adequate training in-house.

Approaching the higher ups

It is also fairly common for a first rung employee to be so much in awe of his seniors that he does not want to bring himself to their attention. He is well aware that they have very little time to waste and if he is going to grab their attention for a task which they feel is unimportant then he could be in potential hot water. This is why it is the job of the seniors to make themselves more open and approachable to their juniors. If the seniors are unapproachable the customer’s problem will probably never get solved and in the end the company is going to suffer as the customer is going to take his business elsewhere. This problem can be solved by having a specific forum or format for the customer care team members to approach seniors with regard to genuine customer problems.


Author biography:

This article has been written by Sarika Periwal, a sales and marketing professional. She has written articles for various blogs and online publications. Try, an online CRM system that will helps you manage your customers, sales and leads. You can read about its extensive list of features here.

Contributor: Sarika Periwal

Published here on: 03-Feb-13

Classification: Sales, Service


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