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Requirements of a Sales Superstar


Guest articles > Requirements of a Sales Superstar


by: Daniel Milstein


It is generally well known that 20 percent of the practicing salespeople generate 80 percent of the total sales. Only the sales superstars can dominate the market to such a high degree.

What does it take to become and remain a superstar? This is a question I often pose to novice salespeople who ask for advice. Their typical responses are: 'Knowing your product,' 'serving your customers,' 'returning customer calls promptly,' 'not putting your paycheck in front of the customer's needs' and 'being honest.' I generally respond that 'Those are the basic requirements for all salespeople; what you have to do just to be moderately successful. What about the criteria that enables salespeople to become the best in their profession?' I have found that it is a difficult question for many to answer; even some highly successful salespeople aren't initially able to identify what helped them get to the top. According to an informal survey of top performers, following are the key characteristics that can help salespeople reach impressive production milestones:

  1. Strengthen your commitment
  2. Plan for the long-term
  3. Get help now
  4. Invest in yourself
  5. Work for a supportive company
  6. Think and reach "outside the box"
  7. Raise the bar
  8. Become even smarter
  9. Brand yourself
  10. Concentrate on profitable strategies
  11. Adapt to technology
  12. Build a never-ending referral pipeline
  13. Find a mentor
  14. Motivate yourself
  15. Maintain a strong work ethic
  16. Don't get burned

If you follow these characteristics you can reach numerous milestones in your career that will enable you to dominate the marketplace and become a superstar salesperson.


Daniel Milstein is the bestselling author of ABC of Sales. For more information, visit:

Contributor: Daniel Milstein

Published here on: 12-Jan-14

Classification: Sales


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