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ChangingMinds Blog! > Blog Archive > 19-Apr-06


Wednesday 19-Apr-06

Going to the theatre

My wife is a teacher and I don't begrudge her the holidays she has as I see how hard she works during term-time. However, being a mother and housekeeper, she also has plenty to do at home, and holidays are often spent doing all those things at home that pile up during the term.

I help where I can but I am the main bread-winner. I have a long commute to work and do other money-making activities at home. Nevertheless, I try to give her regular surprises to brighten her life and sustain our relationship which, after thirty years, is still going strong.

I can tell when she needs a lift in the way she sits down in a weary flop and wan smile, which is all the persuasion I need to do something for her, from getting her a cup of tea to suggesting we go out somewhere.

Recently, I noticed a particularly weary flop and so reached for the computer to see what was on. We live near London, making an evening at the theatre a feasible proposition. Eleri had mentioned that Dame Judi Dench was in a play somewhere, so I quickly tracked it down and phoned them up -- and by the miracle of modern technology, we were booked into good seats in a couple of minutes. And so tonight we are off to the theatre. Eleri will love it and I will love her loving it.

Persuasion within families happens all of the time. It can be a delicate affair or involve much shouting and anger, but best of all is the gentle touch and unspoken request that leads to willing and active compliance.

Coda: The play, Hay Fever, by Noel Coward, was superb. I've not laughed so much in ages. Superb cast and Dame Judi was brilliant.

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