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The Composite Persuasion


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Joel Marsh (2011). The Composite Persuasion, Joel Marsh


I must admit, this is a book after my own heart. In developing this website I study many different disciplines where there are bodies of knowledge about changing minds. Joel Marsh's day job is an Experience Architect, but he has also gone on a similar journey to me, reading widely and coming up with an original framework for persuasion. Also like me, he has written a book, bringing together his wide research in making sense of so many different approaches to persuasion (hence the name of the book).

The 8-step process, described in detail in the book, is made up of the following stages:

  1. Create a good reputation
  2. Predict your audience
  3. Open and disarm
  4. Create rapport and needs
  5. Isolate
  6. Convince
  7. Close

In 270 pages, the book is written with an initial overview and then one detailed chapter for every step in the process. Each chapter includes notes on research, inter-disciplinary approaches, 'try this at home' suggestions and a brief summary. The author has even come up with a new and interesting take on needs, with 14 categories which are referenced throughout as key routes to persuasion.

Unlike many books on the subject, Joel Marsh is not a psychologist, nor a professor nor a salesperson, although his day job does mean he needs a deep understanding of how people think and feel. This perhaps has helped him come up with something different.

Few books get five stars here, but this one deserves it, because it synthesizes new and realistic views rather than just trotting out the same old research and methods. Highly recommended.


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Joel Marsh, The Composite Persuasion, 2011   

Here's an original and practical book on persuasion and changing minds, based on a wide study of bodies of knowledge ranging from marketing to dating. Highly recommended. 



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