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Refuting Arguments
Disciplines > Argument > Refuting Arguments Refute definitions | Refute the logic | Refute grounds | Refute support | Use a counter-argument | See also
Given an argument with which you disagree, you can mount an attack on it in a number of ways. In a formal argument, the primary arguer must establish a prima facie case (that stands on its own) and thus carries the burden of proof. The opponent only needs to show that the case is not proven to win the argument and thus may well focus on attacking and disproving the given case. An alternative case may also be given, but is not needed. Refuting is also known as rebuttal, the burden of rebuttal or the burden of clash. Refute definitionsLook at the words used in the argument. Is their meaning clear? Is there one meaning only for each? If you can detect vague meaning or ambiguity in the parts of an argument, then you can show the whole argument to be shaky -- and, of course, you can shake it until it collapses.
Refute the logicConsider the rationale being used. Test each statement for logical soundness. Also test between statements across the argument.
Refute groundsDig into the data and evidence being used to support the main claim.
Refute supportLook at the supporting statements to the argument. Seek cracks and chinks in the armor. Look for a place to drive in a wedge. Many arguments have a valid claim but weak support.
Use a counter-argumentCreate another argument that uses more correct logic, that is more powerful and all-encompassing than the given argument.
Use a fallacyAnd of course you can use fallacies of your own, of which there are many. This, of course, may be refuted itself. So consider your audience and whether they are capable of such refutation.
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