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Resume/CV Header and Footer


Disciplines > Job-finding > Resume / CV > Resume/CV Header and Footer

Description | Example | Discussion | See also



Documents can have headers and footers at the top and bottom of each page. These can be used to contain information that is helpful to have on every page.

Separate the header and footer from the main text, for example with a line or a containing box.

The information given may be central or may have parts left and right justified. Central placement, particularly of your name, is often a good choice here.

BUT recruiters sometimes cut and paste from your electronic document by doing select-all and pasting into a data system, in which case the header and footer may not be selected. The solution is not to use the wordprocessor header and footer but to create your own within the page. This means shrinking the wordprocessor header and footer space and expanding the normal page space.


The simplest form of header is to include just you name. There is no need to say 'Resume' or 'Curriculum Vitae' as this is obvious and adds no value. Make this stand out with a bold, slightly larger font (no need to make it huge).

After your name, you may put your professional title, but only if this is both what you are now and what you seek to be. If you are well-qualified and it is important to put these across, then you can list the letters after your name.

Put basic communication information on an additional line. Put at least your email and phone number here, and maybe your address also. To squeeze the text a narrower font may be acceptable.


Make less use of this. In a multiple-page document it can be helpful to show the page number and total number of pages. Separate items with something like the 'pipe' character (|).



Richard Morgan, Ph.D.
2, Wimborn Gardens, London, LX1 5QQ | +44 20 7509 5812 |

<page text>


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The space on your resume/CV pages is precious! The header and footer provide useful space in which you can place basic information about you and ensure that if a printed page is dropped, it can always be slotted back into the correct place.

The footer is much less likely to be looked at than the header so only use it for information such as the page number which is not essential.

See also


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