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Two Critical Dimensions of Job Finding


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There are two critical dimensions you must manage when you are looking for a job. Both are completely under your control. Do either poorly and your chance of getting a job will decline rapidly. Do both well and your chance of getting a job will shoot up.


First of all, you have to be as attractive as possible to a potential employer. Look at yourself with their eyes. Are you projecting the sort of person they would like and want to employ?


Qualifications are essential for many jobs, whether they are basic high school exam results or university degrees. These are typically gates that if you do not have, you will not be considered further. Know the qualifications that are required and work to get these.

Qualifications, by the way, may not give you anything like the skills you will need in jobs. Mostly, they are an indication of your ability to think, to follow rules and to persist. The good news is that the key thing you need to succeed in most jobs is common sense.


Many employers want certain experience. They do not want to be a training camp. This can be a paradox when you need the job to get the experience. One way to do this is to extend your experience both within your current job and also outside, even in voluntary work.


While qualifications and experience are important, even more important is your attitude. Attitude can get you a job and can lose you a job (even after you have got it).

When you communicate, whether written or verbal, the person at the other end is trying to work out if you would be a good employee who would get on with others, always work hard and seek to do a good job.


As well as being attractive, you must persist. Job-finding is a numbers game, particularly when the supply-and-demand situation gives employer the greater power.


Getting a job is a full-time job. You get a job by persisting every day. Be organized. Figure out the process of job-application that works for you. Create spreadsheets, plans and so on to track the progress of each application. Force yourself to get up every day at regular times. Exercise. Then get into the daily schedule of search, applications, follow-ups.


Getting a job is competitive. Other people probably want the same job as you. So you have to be better than them. Get the best qualifications and experience you can. Then add a really attractive attitude, including steady persistence that shows you really want the job and will be the best employee.


Job-finding can be a desperate and disappointing process. You may have to apply for hundreds of jobs before you even get one interview. To survive this you need internal strength and determination. When you get ignored, when you get turned down, you must pick yourself up again, dust yourself down and continue afresh.

Robustness is a key attribute for sales people who get refused endlessly in their jobs. Getting a job is a sales process, with you as the product.

So what?

Work to get qualifications and experience. Adopt a can-do, positive and likeable attitude. Think well of other people Show that you really want the job for what you can achieve and contribute (not just because you want money).

And persist. Never give up. Apply for jobs every day. Be unremittingly positive. Find ways to stay determined.

See also

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