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Prospecting is...
Disciplines > Sales > Prospecting > Prospecting is... The Prospect | Prospecting | See also
The Prospect is...A 'prospect' is short for a 'prospective customer'. It is a person or company who may buy from you. A prospect is more than a leadA 'lead' is information about a person or company who may become a prospect. Thus a friend might give you the number of an acquaintance who might benefit from what you have to sell. A prospect is a personMany people find the term 'prospect' a bit insulting, as it reduces a person to an object. Always remember that leads and prospects are people, with feelings and lives like yours. They struggle, succeed and fail. They are not a number and not a thing. Prospecting is...Prospecting is searching for prospects. Just as a person searching for gold is a 'prospector', so also is a salesperson searching for customers. ...necessaryProspecting is a necessary task for many sales people who need to replace customers who do not return and find new customers to grow and sustain the business. ...difficultProspecting is also difficult. Someone once said 'you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince' -- and in prospecting, you often have to talk to a lot of people before you find a customer who will buy from you. See also |
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