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Psychological principles


Disciplines > Workplace design > Psychological principles

Stimulation | Socialization | Identity | Control | See also



  • When people are stimulated, they are more alert, more creative and more productive.

    • The state of arousal is a state. It does not have to be caused by the work at hand.

  • People are stimulated by an environment which is interesting, varying, changing.

  • You can vary color, angles, shapes, direction, texture, etc.

  • Changes can be made by regular revision (such as changing pictures on the walls).

    • Gradually revealing vistas as people move about.

    • Curves and changing light.

  • Other people are stimulating in their conversation and actions.

  • Stimulation can be over-done, causing shock or confusion.

    • Too sudden or changes with too much contrast.

    • Too bright or too many colors.

    • Too many angles or changes in direction.


  • We have a strong need for a sense of belonging.

    • This is one reason many people become unhappy if they only work at home.

  • There are many ways of belonging.

    • Sitting near them.

    • Being able to look at one another.

    • Receiving the same benefits and services.

  • The sound of other people talking reminds us that we are not alone.

  • Talking face-to-face with others is very powerful socialization.

    • We will initiate conversation only if we feel sufficiently safe and uninhibited.

    • The less formal and about defined work subjects our intended conversation, the more we will feel inhibited.


  • We have a need for a sense of identity, of who we are.

    • This is why many people decorate their desks with pictures of their families, etc.

  • Our sense of identity is increased by belonging, esteem of others (recognition and praise), success.

  • We may also associate with our friends and work colleagues, as well as the company brand.

  • Reminders of the company brand help keep people loyal.

    • This can be done with color, logos, slogans, messages, as well as services and other benefits.

    • As with anything, it can be overdone.


  • We have a fundamental need for a sense of control.

  • Choice increases our sense of control.

    • Too much choice, however, causes confusion and uncertainty, decreasing our sense of control.

  • Control is increased by certainty, completion, predictability.

See also



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