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Jungian Type Inventory


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The Jungian Type Inventory is based on the types and preferences of Carl Gustav Jung, who wrote 'Psychological Types' in 1921.

Katherine Briggs and Isobel Briggs Myers are a mother and daughter team who build the modern system that is probably the most popular typing system in the world today. In particular, they devised a written test (The Myers-Briggs Type Inventory, or MBTI®) to identify the person's type.

Other variants have been evolved that are also based on the Jung typology. The most well-known of these is David Keirsey's Temperament Sorter. The test for this is freely available in his book 'Please Understand Me II'. Another modern variant is Socionics.


The Jungian inventory measures on four preference scales, giving a variable score to show the strength of each one. In the table below, the standard terms are shown first, with alternatives shown in parentheses.



From... ...To
E = Extraversion
(Expressive, External)
I = Introversion
(Reserved, Internal)
(Acquiring information, Inferring meaning)
S = Sensing
(Observant, Facts)
N = Intuiting
(Introspective, Ideas)
(Formulating intent)
T = Thinking
(Tough-minded, Logic)
F = Feeling
(Friendly, Emotion)
Living J = Judging
(Scheduling, Structured)
P = Perceiving
(Probing, Flexible, Open)


The four preferences thus lead to sixteen types which use the E/I, S/N, T/F and J/P.

Below is a table with types, the percentage of the population and a one-liner description of their major characteristics.


ISTJ (12%)

Doing what should be done

ISFJ (8%)

A high sense of duty

INFJ (4%)

An inspiration to others

INTJ (6%)

Everything has room for improvement

ISTP (4%)

Ready to try anything once

ISFP (4%)

Sees much but shares little

INFP (4%)

Performing noble service to help society

INTP (4%)

A love of problem-solving

ESTP (3%)

The ultimate realists

ESFP (5%)

You only go around once in life

ENFP (8%)

Giving life an extra squeeze

ENTP (5%)

One exciting challenge after another

ESTJ (12%)

Life's administrators

ESFJ (8%)

Hosts and hostesses of the world

ENFJ (5%)

Smooth-talking persuaders

ENTJ (6%)

Life's natural leaders


You might notice that STJs are 24% of the population. This 'Left-side bias' is unsurprising, as our schools are workplaces tend very much to encourage logic and structure. This makes life particularly difficult for the NFPs of the world, but like left-handed tennis players, those that can handle the other side tend to excel.


And finally, for your illuminated entertainment, here's the Jungian Type Prayers.

So what?

Use the system in teams and groups to share information with one another and hence become more open.

See also

Extraversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuiting, Thinking vs. Feeling, Judging vs. Perceiving


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