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Links to parenting information sites

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Click to jump to the web site Keeping kids safe - Useful notes about phones and internet from O2 (mobile phone company).

Click to jump to the web site ParentBest - Excellent discussion forums and information portal for parents with children.

Click to jump to the web site The National Parenting Center - Loads of great articles about handling children of all ages.

Click to jump to the web site 'Kid's Development' - Brilliant site about child development. An absolute must for all parents of babies and young children.

Click to jump to the web site 'Teen Drug Abuse' - A helpful site Providing information for parents to help troubled teens by prevention, intervention and a support network, who has been struggling with drug abuse and or alcohol abuse.

Click to jump to the web site 'Supernanny' - The site of the phenomenallly successful TV series that shows a 'super-nanny' taming terrible toddlers and young children -- and of course helping their parents to parent properly.

Click to jump to the web site 'Kidpower' - a nonprofit site originally to help children stay safe and also now for teens and adults.

Click to jump to the web site 'Parent Soup' Huge commercial site, including behavior management pages with strategies for all kinds of problems.

Click to jump to the web site PageWise site on family, education and parenting. Loads of very readable pages on handling the kids. Includes pages on teenagers and on discipline.

Click to jump to the web site Parenting Adolescents archive of many Q&As about handling those troublesome teenagers.

Click to jump to the web site A short page on 'twenty alternatives to punishment' Brief, but intelligent.

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