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Types of Conspiracy


Techniques General Persuasion > Conspiracy Theories > Types of Conspiracy

Surveillance | Hiding | Control | Deaths | Warfare | Technology | Paranormal | See also


While there are many conspiracy theories, there are relatively few contexts and types of conspiracy theory that commonly appear.


Basic theory

We are all being watched. Data is being gathered on us.


  • Key people are being watched closely, such as dissidents.
  • There are dark purposes for data collected, such as government control or direct product marketing.
  • Devices such as mobile phones are used to track individuals.


Government agencies are collecting huge amounts of data on everyone.

Whatever you do on your computer, it is being collected.

There are spies everywhere. Even your friends may be spies.


Surveillance may not directly harm but it is not nice. First, there is the distress of intrusion, of the invasion of privacy. We also fear that the data may somehow be used against us.

Most people have done things that are not legal, from taking home stationery from the office to downloading copyrighted products. They hence worried that they will be found out, prosecuted and convicted.


Basic theory

Something is being hidden from us.


  • Information about us is being hidden.
  • Information about tragic events was known ahead of time, but was not acted upon. Information about future catastrophes (such as asteroid strikes) is also known.
  • There are certain inventions that could change our lives but are being suppressed.
  • The apparent conspiracy is a front for another conspiracy (a 'false flag'), for example where a government agency sets up a data company as a false front for information collection.


The government knows about alien landings and is not telling us.

Oil companies know ways of producing energy at very low cost but are hiding it in order to sell the more profitable oil.

Tesla invented incredible machines. The FBI have his papers that describe these.


Being hidden in some way is an aspect of many conspiracy theories. When something is hidden, it may be immediately assumed that those involved have something to hide, that what they are doing is bad or illegal, and that if their actions were known, they would be severely censured.


Basic theory

People are controlling us without our knowledge.


  • People we like and respect are actually under the control of higher powers (even aliens).
  • The government is under the control of super-rich people.
  • There is a group of powerful people who control many aspects across the world.
  • We are being given mind-altering chemicals to control us.
  • Electro-magnetic rays are used to control the mind.
  • The media is under the control of higher powers.


The government are putting drugs in the water supply to subdue an otherwise activist population.

Military suppliers have such influence over governments, they are able to control the start and course of wars.

Hollywood is under the control of communists.


Control is a deep need so control theories are particularly disturbing. In fact many conspiracy theories have the tussle for control as a fundamental element. For example the notion of a thing being hidden is about control of access.

Money gives control, so rich people and companies are often accused of having more control than they admit. Laws implement control, so the motivations for setting up of laws are often suspect.

Control may be attributed to rich or powerful groups, including in government, business and religions.


Basic theory

People who died were actually killed.


  • Governments were behind the assassination of people who rocked the boat.
  • People who died 'naturally' were actually poisoned.
  • The deaths of people of the same racial group is from 'ethnic cleansing'.
  • Murders were committed by people who were under the control of others. These 'sleepers' or 'Manchurian candidates' were brainwashed or otherwise conditioned.
  • People who disappear have actually been killed.


President Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA.

There are people in prisons who are paid to kill other problem prisoners.

A government scientist who opposed war strangely committed suicide.


Some people can be problem, for example where they have information that they may expose about governments or companies, or where they may be stirring up activists who will cause other trouble. When there is no legal way to control them, then the easiest way is to kill them. Governments and those in power obviously cannot do this openly, so they use clandestined methods and assassins to get rid of the problem people.


Basic theory

Wars are started for political and personal gain.


  • The actual events of wars, including allied atrocities, are concealed.
  • Wars (including their initiation) are under the control of weapons suppliers.
  • Wars are a way of control of population by sending many to their deaths.
  • Wars have involved 'unholy' alliances between ostensible enemies or with 'neutral' parties.


The Iraq invasion was based on 'knowledge' of weapons of mass destruction (but actually was already intended by President Bush).

The attack on Pearl Harbor was already known about, but nothing was done as this would give an excuse to enter the second world war.


War kills so many people it can easily be seen as immoral. Yet they happen and may be sustained for many years. How they start is not always clear, and information on which the initiation is based may later be found to be false.

The use of propaganda in war is seen as a legitimate means of managing motivation and morale (of allies and enemies). In fact military activities can be more about morale than gaining ground.


Basic theory

Technology has been developed but is not public.


  • Weapons such as death rays and for weather control have been developed.
  • There are ways of creating energy free or at very low cost, but have been suppressed by energy companies.
  • Products that could last a lifetime are deliberately given a short life to encourage further sales.
  • Technology is being used to monitor us.


Cars have been developed that run on water, but patents have been bought by car and oil companies.

Time travel has been developed.


Technology is often disruptive, creating big shifts in not only in how we use it, but also in the competitive landscape, with even big companies going bankrupt as alternative technologies become feasible and popular. This gives rise to ideas of companies suppressing new technologies in order to stay maximally profitable.

Governments may also become involved when it means sustaining the economy and helping their political backers. They also become very interested if the technology leads to international power, such as the invention of new forms of weapons.

Technology theories are fed by science fiction, which is often rooted in feasible science and which has preceded actual inventions from hovercraft to mobile phones.


Basic theory

Paranormal things are real.


  • Psychic powers are real (and are being used by governments, etc. to gather information and control others).
  • Aliens have landed.
  • Prophecies are true. The world really will end on a given date.
  • Mind control is being used.


The Roswell Incident and the capture of alien spacecraft.

The Russians were using psychics to help their chess champions win matches.


We all have a need for stimulation, as is seen in the sensational headlines of newspapers. The idea that paranormal things are true is thrilling in a way that new science can be exciting.

Paranormal things are largely 'outside science' in that they cannot be proven or disproven and so are ignored by scientists. This silence may be taken as proof of something being hidden.

See also

Politics, Conversion techniques, Being Right


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