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Active Life


Techniques Happiness > Active Life

Description | Discussion | See also



Live an active life. Keep busy. Get out. Do not give yourself time to be unhappy.

Find a hobby, or two, or three. Join clubs and share and learn about your hobby with others. Go the gym. Take up a sport or game play, from football to chess.

Travel. See the world. Visit towns and cities near and far. Talk to different people, wherever you are. Hear their stories and tell them yours.

Volunteer. Join groups who help other people, from the homeless to the sick. Join societies that clean up the countryside or preserve ancient buildings. Use your knowledge to help run charities. Use your hands to do whatever needs doing.

At work, take on work. Be busy. Seek to add value. If you are under-occupied, seek more or move to a more active job.

If at home with nothing better to do, tidy up or clean the house. Or read about other things you can do.


This is a very common approach to achieving reasonable happiness. Many people just like doing things and cannot stand standing still.

People who live a happy active life may well be extravert, as getting out often means interacting with others. This is not necessarily so, however, and some indulge in lone hobbies, building models in the garage or walking in the wilderness.

Busy-ness does not always lead to great happiness, but it at least staves off boredom and can distract you from less happy thoughts. It can also help you find meaning and build social networks.

Research by Sheldon and Lyubominsky has shown that it is much more powerful to change what you do, rather than change your circumstances.

See also

Varying experiences, Achievable challenge


Sheldon, K. M., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2006). Achieving sustainable gains in happiness: Change your actions, not your circumstances. Journal of Happiness Studies, 7, 55-86.


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