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Healthy Body


Techniques Happiness > Healthy Body

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Get fit. Join a gym. Go running. Swim. Exercise and tone your whole body. Eat well too. Understand the principles of nutrition and eat a balanced diet.

Manage your stress. Do not over-work and learn to take breaks and other stress-relievers. Avoid people who project their problems at you or otherwise make you tense.

When you are unwell, look after yourself. Do not be proud and tell yourself 'I'll be ok'. See a doctor, get diagnosed and take the medicine for the allotted period.


A healthy body not only leads to a healthy mind but also can contribute to a happy one. 'Health, wealth and happiness' are common overall goals.

As in Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, when you are unwell, you will care less about higher goals such as gaining the respect of others -- all you want is to get better. Health hence has more of a negative relationship with happiness. Bad health is a common cause of unhappiness, while good health does not guarantee happiness (but does facilitate it).

Stress not only harms your body, it seldom makes you happy. It is perhaps one of the hallmarks of modern life and we often accept the 'daily grind', and the accompanying unhappiness, as an unavoidable cost of sustaining a lifestyle that should make us happier but often does not. A study of UK civil servants showed that those in low status jobs who had little control had a higher risk of heart disease.

Interestingly, health and happiness is a two-way street. People who feel happier also feel healthier. Research has shown that happiness reduces the chance of heart disease and stroke as well as increasing longevity. And with mind-over-body principles, happiness can stop you sagging into illness and help you recover quicker.

See also

Needs, Stress

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