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Look Good


Techniques Happiness > Look Good

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Always try to look as good as you can, so when you gaze into the mirror you are happy to be you.

Dress well. This need not be expensive. Just choose shades that suit you and which go well together. Check also that your clothes hang well and are of an appropriate length.

Keep your body clean, with brushed teeth, neat nails and trimmed hair. Use appropriate toiletries to banish unwelcome odours and introduce pleasant smells.

If you use make-up, take care to keep it neat and do not over-do it. Check in a mirror now and again for smudges and apply corrections as appropriate.

All this applies both to formal and informal dress. You can be casual and look good too. Develop your own style for different occasions in a way that both fits in and stands out.

Whilst looking good, avoid vanity and constant worrying about what others think of you. Just do your best to look your best then feel happy and confident.


When you look good, you feel good. And when you look and feel good, you will attract and impress others. Confidence is closely related to happiness and, whilst looks are not everything, they can help with how you feel about yourself.

A common trap is to think you are 'not attractive'. Not everyone looks the same and not everyone looks good the same. Looking good means looking good for you. 'Looking good' does not mean you should look like a movie star or a celebrity. In reality, most of us 'brush up well' and how we dress and change our appearance can make a huge difference to our overall attractiveness.

Age may alter your physical appearance and your skin may sag, but this does not stop you from dressing well and looking good. How you think counts for a lot, and your expression and bearing are more important than skin tension.

Vanity and over-concern about how you look is also a trap. If you define yourself by how much better you look than others, you will separate yourself and be rejected, ending up being alone.

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