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Home Staging and Cleanliness


Techniques > Home Staging > Home Staging and Cleanliness

Description | Discussion | See also



Ensure everything in the house is clean before potential buyers visit. Things to clean include:

  • Windows, inside and out
  • Carpets
  • Hard floor surfaces
  • Ceilings
  • Shelves, including those inside cupboards
  • Worktops
  • Window sills
  • Furniture, especially wood
  • Bathroom walls and china
  • Light fittings
  • Paintwork, inside and outside the house
  • Walls
  • Skirting boards
  • Bottles of shampoo, washing liquid, etc.
  • Curtains
  • Swimming pool

Cleaning activity should be intense, scrubbing where you have never scrubbed before and going over everything, dusting and polishing until it shines. In doing this, use appropriate cleaning fluids and cloths to create an extra shine.

Wash or steam fabrics, such as curtains and sofas, especially if they have become a bit grey over the years.

Dust everywhere, including on top of cupboards and right into corners. Use a vacuum or shake the cloth outside to avoid just moving the dust from A to B. Use your nail behind a cloth to get into corners.

If there are any stains, get rid of them. Paint over wall marks and grubby areas. If necessary, repaint entire rooms. When doing so, paint in white or a neutral shade.

Hire a deep-cleaner to brighten the carpets. If you cannot remove stains, put something on top of them!


One of the most powerful turn-off emotions is disgust. And dirt is a significant factor in triggering disgust. Remember that your own dirt does not seem that bad, while that of others is surprisingly more disgusting.

Cleaning a home for sale is a big deal. There is weekly cleaning, annual spring cleaning, the-in-laws-are-coming cleaning and then there is cleaning in order to sell the house. Imagine a particularly pernickety army sergeant is coming, wearing his best white gloves for checking awkward places and carrying a big magnifying glass. That is how clean you should be thinking. Keep a 'cleaning kit' ready to give a last-minute shine when visitors are due.

If you are a tolerant sort, remember that others may be equally intolerant, and the main purpose of all this is to sell the house.

See also



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