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Be a Victim


Techniques > Tipping > How to Get a Bigger Tip > Be a Victim

Description | Discussion | See also



Do not shy away from aggressive and unpleasant customers or other people. Played well, you can turn this into bigger tips from other customers.

Allow yourself to get into a situation where you are publicly attacked, humiliated or otherwise hurt. For example this could be in dealing with a person who is drunk or who does not like what you have served them.

When things get tricky, neither be aggressive in return nor overly timid. Look distressed but not excessively so. Respond politely, although showing signs of an internal struggle to cope with the situation.

Afterwards, bravely compose yourself, straighten your clothing and get on with the job. Do not complain to others. If people are sympathetic, be grateful and stay positive. Just say that such things sometimes happen, smile and show that, while you feel uncomfortable, you are not going to pass your pain on to others by complaining.


The principle here is to get sympathy from the various other customers so they give you a bigger tip.

This works in two ways. First they feel sympathetic as they imagine what it must be like to be the recipient not only of the anger of another person but also for this to happen in an embarrassingly public setting. The onlookers may hence increase their tip.

The second effect occurs where you show restraint and a determination to get on with the job, whatever has been said to you. Onlookers now admire your inner strength and professionalism. They perhaps wish they were more like you, identifying with you more and hence being happier giving you an even bigger tip.

This method generally works better for women as men will naturally want to defend them and other women will be empathetic. Men are culturally forbidden to show weakness and so must show more inner strength. In this way, men can show restraint in repressing aggression while sustaining a professional and polite attentiveness.

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