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Sell More


Techniques > Tipping > How to Get a Bigger Tip > Sell More

Description | Discussion | See also



Get them to buy more food and drink. Ways of doing this include:

  • Say more expensive items are particularly delicious.
  • Say the cheaper items are either unavailable or not that good.
  • Use the alternative close, offering say two types of wine rather than letting them ask for plain water.
  • Get them in good mood by showing them to a nice table, being attentive and so on.
  • Sell one course at a time, so they do not notice the incremental effect.
  • Promote 'nice' wines, which quickly become the most expensive item.
  • Ask individuals what they want without looking at the person who will be paying the bill.
  • Get them hungry with delicious smells piped from the kitchen. Get rid of any stale or unpleasant smells.
  • Feed them free salty snacks which will make them thirsty.
  • Do not put bread on the table until food arrives, otherwise they will get full on the bread and order less.
  • Quickly clear away empty plates and take the order for the next course before they realize how full they are.
  • Bring desserts on a trolley so they can see how great they look.
  • Use assumptive and positive language that encourages them to buy more.


Tips are usually a percentage of the overall bill, so to get more tips, increase this basic figure. There are many sales techniques you can use.

This requires more active selling, which can be problematic if the customer thinks you are being too pushy as they may then reduce the tip. You can mitigate this by being friendly. Another approach is the 'arrogant waiter' who looks down their nose and only becomes approving and friendly when the customer orders expensive items.

When a customer has bought an expensive wine, then by comparison they will see cheaper food as a bargain. This suggests selling the wine first.

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