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ChangingMinds Blog! > Blog Archive > 17-May-06


Wednesday 17-May-06

Techie again

Every now and again, I go back to a previous plane of existence and re-experience the thrill of why I lived there. One of those planes was 'deep techie'. I was one of the original nerds, and so deeply into it I did't realize it. Writing assembly-language firmware, I even had to produce my own operating system. Ooh -- just thinking about it sends shivers through my mind.

After having converted to the people stuff long ago, my techie skills are far from what they used to be, but I still love a technical challenge. Recently, I have been struggling to get a blog going for my wife, who largely lives at the other technical extreme (the word 'luddite' comes to mind). I played with various free systems but they were either too complex or too limiting. Then a young designer I know introduced me to Textpattern and I knew I had found the answer. I'm still just tickling it at the edges, but it's such a blast as each new discovery reawakens techie tinglings.

You may be wondering what this has to do with changing minds and there is a good point to be made. Our memories are not just of events but also of the emotions we felt at the time. If you want someone to feel good, ask them to recall an even when they were feeling good. Get them to reminisce, perhaps with a 'Do you remember when...' session. Then, when they are smiling, introduce the thing that you want them to think about now.

Meanwhile, I think about the moment when my wife published her first blog and feel inordinately proud.

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I still remember the perfect stability of my 486 computer. Now such power easily fits into a mobile phone, and does occasionally crash... That's my idea of nostalgia...

-- Colin

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