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ChangingMinds Blog! > Blog Archive > 21-Feb-07


Wednesday 21-February-07

Advice addiction

A question in a recent edition of the Guardian newspaper caught my eye: 'Why is it that when people become rich and famous, they find themselves incapable of doing even the simplest thing without help and advice?' From Rasputin to Merlin, chancellors and magicians have queued up to advise the powerful who gratefully become puppets of the supposedly wise.

This time, The Guardian is questioning Cherie Blair, erstwhile spouse of UK premier Tony Blair. Whilst Tony has more than his share of political whisperers, Cherie has taken to 'lifestyle' advisors, from the embarrassingly exotic Carole Caplin to American entrepreneur Martha Greene.

A tricky effect of getting famous is in the media attention you get. At first this can be very flattering as it panders to your identity needs. But then the hand that feeds can also slap you down. The media like to let you know who is boss. They made you famous and, if you don't play their game, they will take away your fame (and probably fortune with it).

The result of all this jerking around of your identity is enough to make anyone insecure. Coupled with fairweather friends who creep out of the woodwork and the inverted snobs who hate you just because you are famous, it can become difficult to know who to trust. So, when you can afford it, you seek 'professional' advice from whatever Svengali tickles your fancy. And if they are smart and smooth, before long you are addicted, paralyzed without them and totally dependent on their say-so.

So, when fame and fortune come knocking n your door, beware the charm offensive of wise counsellors. Keep hold of your own identity and just carry on being yourself.

Your comments

 Heh Heh ! Very insightful. In economics, it's called ' trickle down effect' and ' spill over effect'. If you become rich and famous, it has to create some beneficiaries, surely ?? It must have created some victims too !

-- useless

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