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 Think About It Close


Disciplines > Sales > Closing techniques > Think About It Close

Technique | How it works | See also



After you've said what you can, give the person a little time to think about what you have told and shown them.

Don't leave them for too long (a couple of minutes is often enough) and preferably go where you can keep an eye on them. A way of handling this is to ask them how long they need.

When you return, watch their body language to see if they are showing signs of being ready to buy. If necessary, use an assumptive method to nudge them over the edge.


I can see you're carefully thinking about. I'm going to step outside for a couple of minutes so you can decide in your own time.

How long would you like to think about it? Can I get you a cup of coffee whilst you decide?

Perhaps you'd like to talk about it together. Why don't you sit in the car and see how it feels. Take as long as you like -- I'll be here.

How it works

Not everyone decides quickly and many, and if pressed many will back away or react against the sales methods being used.

Decision-making is often a complex thought process pros and cons are weighed up and the person may not decide until they have gone through this process. This is particularly common in sales which involve significant money or other commitment.

Sometimes it just takes a little time to sink in. You have given them a lot of information which they need to process it and fit it in with their current models of the world.

Of course there is a danger when the person thinks about it that they will say no. Depending on the sales context this could a bad or good thing. People who buy only because they are pressured are unlikely to return or recommend you. On the other hand this final 'soft sell' stage may well convince them that it is they who are in control and so will make the decision to buy.

The Think About It close is in some ways a form of Assumptive Close, as you are assuming that all they need is time to decide.

See also

Hurry Close, Assumptive Close


Books on Sales Closing

**** Tom Hopkins, Sales Closing for Dummies, For Dummies, 1998  **** Zig Ziglar, Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale, Berkley Publishing, 1985  *** Stephan Schiffman, Closing Techniques: (That Really Work!), Adams Media, 1999  **** Stephan Schiffman, Getting to 'Closed': A Proven Program to Accelerate the Sales Cycle and Increase Commissions, Dearborn Trade Publishing, 2002  *** Joe Girard, Robert L. Shook, Robert Casemore, How to Close Every Sale, Warner books, 2002 ** Gary Karass, Negotiate to close: How to make more successful deals, Fireside, 1987

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