Affinity Photo Tutorials: Time Sorted
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The InAffinity Video Index > Videos, Time Sorted
Here are the InAffinity videos on using Affinity Photo, sorted by which was
published first (newest at the top). Tip: Hover over the link to see the video
sequence number in the filename.
- 05-Feb-24:
Inverting Opacity/Alpha of a Pixel Layer (and How to Use it)
- 28-Jan-24:
Watercolour Effect Using Tone Mapping Persona
- 23-Jan-24: The
Compound Vignette Method for Managing Eye Movement
- 07-Jan-24: 60
Second Tip: Adjusting Colour using Black & White!
- 31-Dec-23:
an Over-Sharpened Image with Special Blurs
- 26-Dec-23:
Tricky Sky Replacement Made Easy with Non-Destructive Methods
- 21-Dec-23:
Balancing a Picture with Curves and Different Masking Methods
- 17-Dec-23:
60 Second Tip: Removing the Built-in Adjustment/Filter Mask
- 09-Dec-23:
Easy Colour Grading Using Channel Mixer and LAB
- 24-Nov-23:
Difficult Selections Using an Easy Drawing Tools
- 18-Nov-23:
Difficult Selections Using an Easy Painting Sequence
- 05-Nov-23:
Abstract and Pop Art Effects with the Posterise and Blur Principle
- 30-Oct-23:
Creative Effects with Extended Posterise and Blur
- 22-Oct-23:
Edit: Walking to the Tree
- 16-Oct-23: Free!
Saturation Mask Macros
- 10-Oct-23:
Pixel Masking: for Ultimate Flexibility
- 29-Sep-23:
Procedural Texture Saturation Mask (Part 6): Creating a Macro
- 25-Sep-23:
The Colour
Dodge Sketch Effect and Edge Boost (Live Version)
- 17-Sep-23:
Burn Edge Detect and Combination Sharpening (Live)
- 11-Sep-23:
Edit: Cottage Garden
- 07-Sep-23:
Procedural Texture Saturation Mask (Part 5): Creating a Preset
- 25-Aug-23:
Procedural Texture Saturation Mask (Part 4): Adding Switches
- 19-Aug-23:
Procedural Texture Saturation Mask (Part 3): Adjusting Controls
- 14-Aug-23:
Procedural Texture Saturation Mask (Part 2): Adding Controls
- 09-Aug-23:
Procedural Texture Saturation Mask (Part 1): Basic Formula
- 31-Jul-23:
Understanding Saturation
- 24-Jul-23:
and Using a Saturation Mask with Selective Colour
- 16-Jul-23: 60
Second Tip: Woodcut Art Effect
- 11-Jul-23:
Sharpen First, Then (Surprise!) Noise Reduction Second
- 07-Jul-23:
Three Ways
to use Curves to Enhance Whites
- 02-Jul-23:
Clarity, Unsharp Mask and High Pass Sharpen Differently
- 28-Jun-23:
Skin Retouching with Easy Hue Selection, Mask and Curves
- 19-Jun-23: Skin
Tinting with Fill Layer, Multiply/Screen, and HSL
- 17-Jun-23: Skin
Tinting with Fill Layer, Soft Light, and RGB Thinking
- 02-May-23: Affinity
Photo Version 2.1 Part 8: Measure, Area and Place tools, Zoom, and Masking
- 01-May-23: Affinity
Photo Version 2.1 Part 7: Batch Export format, Close All, Asset Panel
Ordering, and Mask to Below
- 31-May-23: Affinity
Photo Version 2.1 Part 6: Brush Panel Improvement, 'My Add ons' Search, and
Rename Layer Shortcut
- 30-May-23: Affinity
Photo Version 2.1 Part 5: Paint Mixer and Guide Improvements
- 29-May-23: Affinity
Photo Version 2.1 Part 4: Cropping improvements
- 28-May-23: Affinity
Photo Version 2.1 Part 3: Blend Mode Shortcuts & Layer Duplication and
- 26-May-23: Affinity
Photo Version 2.1 Part 2: Balanced dashed lines and Show/hide special
- 24-May-23: Affinity
Photo Version 2.1 Part 1: How to Find the Details of What has Changed
- 23-May-23: Practical
Colour Theory Part 3: The Effect on RGB of Darkness, Lightness, Hue (3
types) and Saturation
- 13-May-23: Practical
Colour Theory Part 2: How to Guess the RGB Values of Bright Colours
- 03-May-23: Practical
Colour Theory Part 1: The Eye, RGB and the Colour Wheel
- 23-Apr-23:
Creating a Sunburst/Starburst, Part 3: Lighting Effects
- 10-Apr-23:
Creating a Sunburst/Starburst, Part 2: Four Bokeh/Lens Effects
- 30-Mar-23:
Creating Sunburst/Starburst Effect: Part 1
- 26-Mar-23: Full Edit:
Sunburst over Ruined Church
- 17-Mar-23: Full Edit:
Sunburst over Square
- 06-Mar-23:
Easy Strong
Contrast in Monochrome Conversion
- 27-Feb-23:
60 Second
Tip: Handling Pixel 'Rendering' Surprises
- 15-Feb-23:
An Easy Stark Contrast Effect Using Blend Options and Curves
- 12-Feb-23: 60
Second Tip: HSL Pastel Effect
- 02-Feb-23:
Compound Mask Example with Hue and Luminosity Masks too!
- 22-Jan-23:
Affinity Photo 2: Understanding the Compound Mask
- 18-Jan-23:
Affinity Photo Hue Range Mask vs. Dave's Hue Selection
- 15-Jan-23:
60 Second Tip: Layer Positions for Masking vs Clipping
- 05-Jan-23: Affinity
Photo Version 2+: Hue Range Mask
- 26-Dec-22:
Affinity Photo Version 2: Luminosity Range Mask vs Dave's Luminosity
- 23-Dec-22:
A Composite
Image Using Blend Options/Ranges
- 19-Dec-22: How
Blend Options/Ranges Really Works (It's Easy, Really!)
- 14-Dec-22:
Affinity Photo Version 2: Luminosity Range Mask
- 11-Dec-22: 60
Second Tip: The Fading Gradient Trap (and the Fix!)
- 06-Dec-22:
Affinity Photo Version 2: Layers 4: Layer States (Easy and Useful!)
- 29-Nov-22: LAB Curves for
Subtle, Safe and Easy Control of Tone and Colour
- 27-Nov-22:
Affinity Photo Version 2: Layers 3: How Masking/Clipping Layers Really Work!
- 25-Nov-22:
Affinity Photo Version 2: Layers 2: Moving Layers
- 24-Nov-22: Affinity
Photo Version 2: Layers 1: Changes to the Layers Interface
- 19-Nov-22:
Photo Version 2: Customising the Interface
- 16-Nov-22:
Affinity Photo Version 2: Using Develop Persona Re-Edit
- 14-Nov-22: Affinity
Photo Version 2: What's New? (Clue: Lots)
- 29-Oct-22:
An Ultra-sharpening Layer Stack
- 23-Oct-22:
Full Edit: Something out of Nothing
- 10-Oct-22: Nik
Collection/Filters: Using Control Points
- 04-Oct-22: Nik
Collection/Filters: Understanding the Interface
- 29-Sep-22: Free
Macros! HSL Variants: HWB (Hue, Whiteness, Blackness)
- 23-Sep-22: Free
Macros! HSL Variants: Subtle HSL
- 13-Sep-22: Easy
Monochrome Protect with Procedural Texture
- 07-Sep-22: A
Closer Look at Sharpening: High Pass vs Unsharp Mask
- 31-Aug-22:
Filling RGB Histograms Using Levels and Curves
- 27-Aug-22:
Fixing Lens Correction Loss
- 21-Aug-22:
The Mouse
Wheel Sharpening Method
- 12-Aug-22:
Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 15: Full Edit: HDR 'Into the Sun'
- 07-Aug-22:
Three-Zone Thinking 5: Using a Gradient Map for Tones and Colour
- 02-Aug-22:
Free Macros! Selective Colour Tonal Dyadic
- 27-Jul-22:
Creating and Using a Spectrum Mask
- 20-Jul-22:
Three Zone Thinking 4: The Power of Colour Balance
- 16-Jul-22:
Monochrome Conversion Adjustments -- in Detail
- 09-Jul-22:
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 14: Full Edit: Motorbike High
- 03-Jul-22:
Three-Zone Thinking 3: Does Selective Colour Work?
- 26-Jun-22: 60
Second Tip: The Three-Curve Booster Method
- 20-Jun-22:
Histogram to Guide Targeted RGB Editing
- 17-Jun-22: Three
Zone Thinking 2: No Midtones & Reverse-S Curve
- 13-Jun-22:
Which to Use of the Four Shadows & Highlights Controls?
- 09-Jun-22:
Three Zone Thinking 1: Curves and Contrast
- 06-Jun-22:
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 13: Full Edit: Street Scene at
- 02-Jun-22:
and Using Neutrals in the Selective Colour Adjustment
- 30-May-22:
Second Tip: Quick Fix for Over-exposed Sky and Under-exposed Land
- 25-May-22:
Colour Grading with Selective Control
- 22-May-22:
Selecting and
Using Blacks in the Selective Colour Adjustment
- 19-May-22:
Selecting and
Using Whites in the Selective Colour Adjustment
- 16-May-22:
Colours are Selected in Selective Colour (and How to Use This in Practice)
- 13-May-22:
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 12: Full Edit: In The Morning
Mist (Monochrome)
- 07-May-22 Eyes 9:
Fixing a Distorted Iris, Including Multiple Reflections
- 02-May-22
60 Second Tip: A Moody, High Contrast, 'Hitchcock' Mono Grading
- 29-Apr-22
Free Macros! Selective Colour Analogous Colour Grading
- 25-Apr-22 Eyes
8: Creating Cat's Eyes
- 22-Apr-22
Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 11: Full Edit: Tidying Up a Snow Scene
- 19-Apr-22
Understanding Hue, Saturation and Luminosity Gradients
- 15-Apr-22
60 Second Tip: Super-Easy Cartoon Effect
- 12-Apr-22
Understanding RGB in Gradients for More Deliberate Control
- 07-Apr-22
Greater Colour Control with RGB Thinking
- 02-Apr-22
60 Second Tip: Adding Punch and Depth with Saturation Blending
- 28-Mar-22
Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 10: Circle of Friends
- 24-Mar-22
More Ways
to Use Saturation Mapping (plus Free Macros!)
- 19-Mar-22
Selection and Edit by Saturation
- 15-Mar-22
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 09: Full Edit: Brightening Up
- 12-Mar-22 An
Easy Art / Cartoon Effect
- 09-Mar-22
Blend Modes in Detail: Five Examples of Using Pin Light
- 05-Mar-22
Blend Modes in Detail: Understanding Pin Light
- 02-Mar-22
Easy Editing of Adjustable Luminosity Zones
- 25-Feb-22
Adding Zone Contrast with a Ripple Curve
- 22-Feb-22 The Droste
- 19-Feb-22
Easy Colour Grading with a Single Curves Adjustment
- 16-Feb-22 A New
Cartooning Method
- 12-Feb-22
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 08: Minimalist Misty Bridge
- 10-Feb-22
Blend Modes
in Detail: Linear Light Calculations
- 08-Feb-22
Creating a 'Klimt' Art Effect
- 04-Feb-22
Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 07: Segovia Street Scene
- 02-Feb-22
Blend Modes in Detail: Five Examples of Using Linear Light
- 30-Jan-22
Flexible Tinting of Shadows and Highlights
- 28-Jan-22 Blend
Modes in Detail: Linear Light
- 23-Jan-22 60
Second Tip: Creating Dappled Light
- 21-Jan-22
Understanding and Using the Brush Flow Control
- 19-Jan-22
Free Macros! Colour Selection Part 5: Colour/Tone Selection
- 17-Jan-22
Free Macros! Colour Selection Part 4: The 3M Method
- 15-Jan-22
Free Macros!
Colour Selection Part 3a: CIE Delta-E* Calculation
- 13-Jan-22
Free Macros! Colour Selection Part 3: CIE Delta-E* Comparison
- 11-Jan-22
Free Macros! Colour Selection Part 2: Hue Selection with HSL
- 07-Jan-22
Free Macros! Colour Selection Part 1: Basic RGB Methods
- 04-Jan-22
Contrast Blend Mode Adjustment with Blend Ranges
- 02-Jan-22
Blend Modes in Detail: Vivid Light Calculation
- 30-Dec-21
60 Second Tip: How to Identify Pixels Within a Given Luminosity Range
- 28-Dec-21
Masking with Threshold and Levels
- 19-Dec-21
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 06: Full Edit: Creating a
Snowy, Elky Scene
- 17-Dec-21 The
Horizontal Curve
- 15-Dec-21
Blend Modes in Detail: Five Examples of Using the Vivid Light Blend Mode
- 11-Dec-21
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 05: Full Edit: The Story at the
White House
- 09-Dec-21 60
Second Tip: Quick Colour Boost
- 05-Dec-21 Quick and
Easy High-Key Photograph
- 03-Dec-21 Free
Macros! Monochrome Maps
- 29-Nov-21
Vivid Light
Sharpening (Extended Method)
- 27-Nov-21
Vivid Light Sharpening (Basic Method)
- 23-Nov-21
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 04: Full Edit: Sprucing Up the
- 21-Nov-21
Creating and Using a Flexible, Non-Destructive Edge-Detecting Mask
- 19-Nov-21 60
Second Tip: An Easy Watercolour Effect
- 17-Nov-21 The
Monochrome Masking Method
- 13-Nov-21
Free Macros! Selective Colour Tetradic Colour Grading
- 11-Nov-21
Second Tip: Fill the Histogram and Boost Colour in the Develop Persona
- 09-Nov-21
Fixing Over-Sharpening with High-Pass De-Sharpening
- 07-Nov-21 60
Second Tip: Fixing Colour Noise (Including in Strong Sharpening)
- 05-Nov-21
Super-Sharpening Using Enhanced High-Pass Filter
- 02-Nov-21
Blend Modes in Detail: Vivid Light Overview
- 29-Oct-21
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 03: A Slow and Careful Hazy Pic
- 27-Oct-21
60 Second Tip: When Inpainting, Persist!
- 24-Oct-21 Eyes 7:
Resizing the Pupil with Liquify
- 22-Oct-21 How to
Easily Do a 'Small World'
- 20-Oct-21 Using
YouTube Shortcut Keys
- 18-Oct-21 The
Jigsaw Editing Method
- 15-Oct-21
HSL Editing: Tips and Techniques
- 13-Oct-21
Surprising New Way to Recover Lost Highlights
- 11-Oct-21
60 Second
Tip: Recovering Lost Edge Pixels in Develop Persona
- 09-Oct-21
Blend Modes in Detail: Hard Light Calculations
- 06-Oct-21
Complex Selection Using Both Colour and Luminosity
- 03-Oct-21
Free Macros! Selective Colour Triadic Colour Grading
- 30-Sep-21 Making
a Car Really Move
- 28-Sep-21
Eyes 6: Cleaning Up and Reshaping the Pupil
- 25-Sep-21 Quick
and Easy Liquify Art!
- 23-Sep-21 60
Second Tip: Instant Skin Softening
- 21-Sep-21
Eyes 5:
Cleaning Up Eye Whites (Sclera) with Frequency Separation
- 19-Sep-21
An Edit in Develop Persona Using Overlays
- 17-Sep-21
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 02: Repainting a Rusty Old Car
(updated version)
- 14-Sep-21
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 02: Repainting a Rusty Old Car
(initial version)
- 11-Sep-21 Eyes
4: Cleaning Up Eye Whites (Sclera) with Shape, Mask and Gradient
- 08-Sep-21
60 Second
Tip: Stretching a Raw File in the Development Persona
- 06-Sep-21
Eyes 3: Cleaning Up Eye Whites (Sclera) with Healing Brush
- 03-Sep-21
Absolute Beginner's Course Series 3: Episode 01: Cleaning Up a Very Damaged
- 30-Aug-21 How to
Measure and Use Angles
- 26-Aug-21
Eyes 2: Analysing Eyes for Potential Editing
- 24-Aug-21 Talking Head
Update (August 2021)
- 22-Aug-21
Eyes 1: Understanding Elements of the Eye for Editing
- 20-Aug-21
Finding a Photo on the Web Using a Reverse Image Search
- 18-Aug-21
Eight Colour Grades using HSL Blending
- 16-Aug-21
Creating a
Macro for Using a Frequency Separation Stack
- 14-Aug-21
Landscape Edit using Stacked Frequency Separation
- 12-Aug-21 60
Second Tip: Abstractive Art Effect
- 10-Aug-21
Power to a Portrait with Blobbing and Cropping (and Chiaroscuro)
- 08-Aug-21
Frequency Separation Detail Stacking Method
- 06-Aug-21
Muting Tone and Colour with Three Simple Adjustments
- 04-Aug-21
and Colour with Three Simple Adjustments
- 02-Aug-21
60 Second
Tip: Dragging Image From a Folder Into Affinity Photo
- 30-Jul-21
Free! Macros: Dyadic Colour Grading (Complementary and Asymmetric)
- 28-Jul-21 60
Second Tip: How to Draw a Perfect Arc (a portion of a circle)
- 25-Jul-21
Free! Colour Grading Macros (24 Monadic Primary to Tertiary Grades)
- 23-Jul-21
Distortion Using Stacked Layers
- 21-Jul-21
Full Edit: 'Art Restoration'
- 19-Jul-21
Second Tip: How to See Saturation Issues When Using 'Levels' Adjustment
- 17-Jul-21
Understanding the Composite part of the Channels Panel
- 14-Jul-21
A Simple,
Quick and Beautiful Painterly Effect
- 12-Jul-21
Blend Modes in Detail: Five Hard Light Examples
- 10-Jul-21
Control of
Blacks/Whites in Overlay Contrast Tweak
- 08-Jul-21 60
Second Tip: 60 Second Tip: Perk Up a Dull Image with Simple, Low-Cost
- 06-Jul-21 Free
Tone Grading Macros! (Colour Whites/Greys/Blacks)
- 03-Jul-21
Colour Grading Using Selective Colour (Part 3) -- Triadic Schemes
- 30-Jun-21
60 Second
Tip: Superspeed Flexible Vignette
- 28-Jun-21
Colour Grading Using Selective Colour (Part 2)
- 24-Jun-21
Colour Grading Using Selective Colour (Part 1)
- 22-Jun-21 How to
Select Skin Using a Free! Selection Macro
- 18-Jun-21
Lots of Colour Effects with Channel Mixer Blend Method
- 16-Jun-21 60
Second Tip: A Simple Golden Glow Effect
- 14-Jun-21
Creating an
Optical Illusion: The Power of Adjacency
- 12-Jun-21
Selecting Clouds and Using a Cloud Library
- 10-Jun-21 Solid Gold
Effect: Making a Realistic Metallic Image
- 08-Jun-21 RGB,
Hue and Harmonious Fill Blending
- 06-Jun-21
Colour Grading Using Fill Blending
- 04-Jun-21 60
Second Tip: How to Instantly Set Black, White and Grey
- 02-Jun-21 How
to Change a Dress Pattern (Including Folds and Directions)
- 31-May-21
Understanding Fill Blending
- 28-May-21 Blend
Modes in Detail: How 'Hard Light' Works
- 25-May-21 The (Surprising)
Night Curve
- 23-May-21 60
Second Tip: See and Fix Selection with Quick Mask
- 21-May-21 Free
Macros for Alpha Control: 4: Flatten/Map/White/Black/Red
- 19-May-21 Free
Macros for Alpha Control 3: Erase Wt/Gy/Bk Paper
- 17-May-21 Free
Macros for Alpha Control 2: Full Alpha Selection
- 15-May-21 Free
Macros for Alpha Control 1: Alpha Squeeze'n'Stretch
- 13-May-21 60
Second Tip: Quick Colour Slider Tweak (Including Shades of Grey)
- 11-May-21 How
to Clean Up a Scanned Document
- 08-May-21
A Non-Destructive, Adjustable Version of 'Erase White Paper'
- 05-May-21 Nice
Effects using Levels in LAB Mode
- 01-May-21 60
Second Tip: How to Create a Full-sized Image from a Stock Photo
- 29-Apr-21 How
to Select Colours Using the HSL Wheel in Affinity Photo
- 27-Apr-21 Popping
and Unpopping with HSL
- 25-Apr-21 60 Second Tip:
Moving HSL Arcs for Quicker Adjustment
- 23-Apr-21
High-Key Flooding and Snow using LAB Curves
- 20-Apr-21 Why You
Should Always Edit in 16 Bit and ROMM/ProPhoto
- 18-Apr-21 60
Second Tip: The Instant Full-Size Check
- 16-Apr-21
Visualising Changes in Unsharp Mask Sharpening
- 14-Apr-21 The Erase
Mask Vignette (The Fastest, Easier, Most Flexible, Non-Destructive Method)
- 12-Apr-21
Using Guides to Create an RGB Colour Cube
- 10-Apr-21 Full
Edit: With Just Curves, Masks and Gradients
- 08-Apr-21 60
Second Tip: How to Recover a Selection From a Mask
- 06-Apr-21 Free
Macros: Instagram Filter Curves
- 04-Apr-21 G'MIC: An Amazing, Free Plugin
- 02-Apr-21
a Plugin Filter Vignette
- 30-Mar-21
Capturing a
Plugin Filter Effect
- 26-Mar-21 Powerful Colour Control with the Average Blend Mode
- 24-Mar-21 This
Will Be Your Undoing (A Bunch of Stuff on Undo)
- 22-Mar-21 Blend Modes in Detail: 'Soft Light' Calculations
- 17-Mar-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 30: Summary and Free Files!
- 15-Mar-21 Stacked Frequency Separation for Powerful Detail Control
- 12-Mar-21 Controlling
Transparency with Alpha Curves
- 08-Mar-21 Erase Masking:
A Totally Adjustable, Live Mask
- 05-Mar-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 29: Full Edit Using Adjustments
and Masks
- 02-Mar-21 How is Hue
- 28-Feb-21 Copying Colour Grading Using a Gradient Map
- 25-Feb-21 A Quick and Easy
Orton Effect
- 23-Feb-21 Blend Modes in Detail: Five Examples of Using the 'Soft Light' Blend Mode
- 22-Feb-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 28: Three Ways to Add a
- 20-Feb-21
Enhancing a
Sunset using the Lighting Filter
- 18-Feb-21 Blend Modes
in Detail: The 'Soft Light' Blend Mode
- 17-Feb-21 Monochrome Conversion Edit: Bikes on the Quay
- 13-Feb-21 Quick!
I Need a Valentine's Day Card!
- 12-Feb-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 27: Perking up a Pic with
Selective Colour
- 10-Feb-21 A
Whole Bunch of Useful Tips on Brushes and Colour
- 09-Feb-21 Wide-Angle and Telephoto Lens Effects, Quick and Easy!
- 08-Feb-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 26: Using Selective Colour to
Change the 'Feel'
- 06-Feb-21 Exact
Curve Node Placement and Accurate LAB Editing
- 05-Feb-21 A
Quick Fabric Texture Using a Pattern Layer
- 02-Feb-21 A
Quick, Compound Vignette Using Simple Shapes and FX
- 01-Feb-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 25: Effects Using 'Layer FX'
- 31-Jan-21 Edit: Relighting the Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood
- 28-Jan-21 Blend
Modes in Detail: 'Overlay' Blend Calculation
- 27-Jan-21 Painting
on Pictures to Enhance Tone and Colour
- 26-Jan-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 24: Adding Texture to a Photo
- 25-Jan-21 A
Little Bit of Layer Stuff
- 24-Jan-21 Blend Modes in Detail: Five Examples of Using the 'Overlay' Blend Mode
- 22-Jan-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 23: Creating a Basic Composite
- 21-Jan-21 Fifty(!) Free Macros for HSL Colour Grading
- 18-Jan-21 Easy
Colour Grading with HSL
- 17-Jan-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 22: Child Layer Tips, Tricks
and Traps
- 16-Jan-21
A Two-Stage
Colour/Tone Monochrome Conversion Method
- 15-Jan-21 An
Easy Perlin Noise Sunburst
- 14-Jan-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 21: Starting to Use Child
- 13-Jan-21 The
Double-Dot Curves Control Method
- 11-Jan-21 A
Superior, Two-Part Sunray
- 10-Jan-21 Blend
Modes in Detail: The 'Overlay' Blend Mode
- 09-Jan-21
Shape Gradient Parallelogram Trick
- 08-Jan-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 20: Dodge and Burn using Layers
- 07-Jan-21
a Refined Selection with an Overlay Brush in Affinity Photo
- 06-Jan-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 19: Painting in Adjustment via
- 05-Jan-21 Full Edit: Beddgelert River
- 04-Jan-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 18: Built-in Masks in
- 03-Jan-21 When Using a Gradient Map is Better than Using Curves
- 02-Jan-21 Luminar AI plugin Review
- 01-Jan-21 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 17: Turning a Selection into a
- 31-Dec-20 A Quick
and Easy Colour Dodge Fix of a Rather Flat Picture
- 30-Dec-20 Super-Easy Visual Brush Adjustment
- 29-Dec-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 16: Accurate Masking with
Selection (Masks Part 2)
- 28-Dec-20 Clean Green Screen Selection
- 24-Dec-20 Free
Macros: Dave's Shifters V2: 3M Shifters
- 23-Dec-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 15: Using Masks (Part 1)
- 21-Dec-20 Free
Macros: Dave's Shifters V2: RGB Shifter/Mixer
- 20-Dec-20 Free
Macros: Dave's Shifters V2: Histogram Squeeze'n'Shift
- 17-Dec-20 Blend Modes
in Detail: Five Examples of Using Opacity
- 15-Dec-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 14: Effects With Shapes and
- 11-Dec-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 13: Using a Gradient for a New
- 08-Dec-20 The Power
of 3M Thinking in Image Editing
- 07-Dec-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 12: Colour Effects using the
Gradient Map Adjustment
- 06-Dec-20
Macros! Selection Conversion
- 04-Dec-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 11: Full Edit with Layers and
- 03-Dec-20 About the
Opacity Blend Mode
- 02-Dec-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 10: Using the Info Panel and
White Balance
- 01-Dec-20
Straightening the Background (not the Foreground)
- 30-Nov-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 9: Starting Out with Layer
- 28-Nov-20 Fixing
the Refine Problem (the Extra White Stuff)
- 25-Nov-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 8: Using Adjustment Control
- 23-Nov-20 Five Examples of Using the 'Lighter Colour' Blend Mode
- 21-Nov-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 7: Full Edit: Layers and
- 19-Nov-20 Free
Macros: Luminosity Selection V2
- 16-Nov-20 Blend Mode in Detail: How 'Lighter Colour' Works
- 14-Nov-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 6: Layer Sequence and
- 13-Nov-20 A
Simple Colour Selector
- 11-Nov-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 5: Understanding Adjustment
- 10-Nov-20
Creating a
Full Technicolor (3-Strip System 4) Colour Grading (or 'Look')
- 09-Nov-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 4: The Ghost in the Gallery
- 08-Nov-20 Creating
the Techicolor 2-Strip System 2 Subtractive Look
- 04-Nov-20 Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 3: A First Look at Layers
- 03-Nov-20 Creating
the Technicolor 2-Strip System 1 Additive Look
- 31-Oct-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2: Episode 2: Squaring Up the Perspective
- 30-Oct-20 How
Technicolor Works (and how it all happened)
- 29-Oct-20 Absolute Beginner's Course Series 2-1: Straightening the Perspective
- 26-Oct-20 Super Simple Movie/Retro Colour Grading
- 25-Oct-20 Blend
Modes in Detail: 'Add/Linear Dodge' Blend Mode Calculations
- 21-Oct-20 Five
Examples of Using the 'Add/Linear Dodge' Blend Mode
- 18-Oct-20 How
'Add' (or 'Linear Dodge') Blend Mode Works
- 16-Oct-20 InAffinity Video Index of Affinity Photo Tutorials is Now Complete and
- 14-Oct-20 Eight More New Features in Affinity Photo 1.9
- 12-Oct-20 Six
New Features in Affinity Photo 1.9
- 09-Oct-20 Full
Edit Using Free Macros!
- 05-Oct-20
Contrast and Texture from a Flat Sky
- 04-Oct-20 Dodge
and Burn with Colour Dodge and Colour Burn Blend Modes
- 01-Oct-20
Contrast Enhancement with Multiply and Colour Dodge
- 29-Sep-20
Colour Grading Using Colour Dodge Blend Mode
- 28-Sep-20 Five Examples of Using Colour Dodge Blend Mode
- 26-Sep-20
Blend Modes
in Detail: 'Colour Dodge' Calculations
- 24-Sep-20 Blend Modes in Detail: How Colour Dodge Works
- 22-Sep-20 Free Macro: Erase Monochrome
- 20-Sep-20
Leading Lines with 'Screen' Blend Mode
- 19-Sep-20
Glow with Screen and Multiply
- 17-Sep-20 Free Macros: Hue Selection
- 16-Sep-20
Ways to Calculate Saturation/Monochrome
- 13-Sep-20 Full
Edit: Hairy Cows
- 08-Sep-20 Five Examples of Using 'Screen' Blend Mode
- 07-Sep-20
Full Edit:
Using Free Saturation Selection Macros
- 05-Sep-20
Macro: Monochrome Selection
- 03-Sep-20
Macros!: Saturation Selection
- 31-Aug-20 Blend Modes in Detail: 'Screen' Calculation
- 28-Aug-20 Blend
Mode in Detail: How 'Screen' Works
- 27-Aug-20 Five Ways of Using Fill Layer Masking
- 25-Aug-20 Understanding the Fill Layer Mask
- 20-Aug-20 From
Photo to Colour Pencil Sketch to Washout Impressionism
- 17-Aug-20 Free! All
My Test Cards
- 16-Aug-20 Cloning with Lighten and Darken Blend Modes
- 14-Aug-20 Full
Edit: Soft Spiral
- 13-Aug-20 Soft
Shapes Masking
- 11-Aug-20 Adding Clouds Using 'Lighten' Blend Mode
- 10-Aug-20 Free
Macros!: Soft Shapes
- 07-Aug-20 How
to do HiRaLoAm Sharpening
- 04-Aug-20 Full Edit: Day into Night, with Stars!
- 02-Aug-20 Mass Removal of Dust Bunnies Using the 'Lighten' Blend Mode
- 31-Jul-20 Five
Examples of Using 'Lighten' Blend Mode
- 29-Jul-20 Double Curve Editing to Separate Tone and Colour
- 27-Jul-20 Free Macros! Four Colour Boosters
- 24-Jul-20 Update July
- 23-Jul-20 Two Ways to
Fix Sky Colour Imbalance
- 18-Jul-20 Blend
Modes in Detail: How Lighten Works
- 15-Jul-20 High-Pass Colour Boost
- 13-Jul-20
Luminosity Conversion Macros
- 12-Jul-20 Introducing the InAffinity Video Index of Affinity Photo Tutorials
- 07-Jul-20
Parabolic Luminosity Masking: Mathematical Calculations
- 05-Jul-20
Free Macros!: Parabolic Luminosity Masking
- 03-Jul-20
Free Macros!
For Luminosity Masking / Selection
- 30-Jun-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 30: Summary, Future and Free Files!
- 28-Jun-20 Five Examples of How to Use the 'Darker Colour' Blend Mode
- 27-Jun-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 29: Using the Dodge, Burn and Sponge
- 26-Jun-20
Blend Modes
in Detail: Darker Colour Calculations
- 25-Jun-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 28: Creating Speed with Motion & Radial
- 21-Jun-20
Blend Modes
in Detail: How Darker Colour Works
- 21-Jun-20 Full
Edit: Light on the Lake, in Affinity Photo
- 19-Jun-20 Detecting Burn with 'Colour Burn'
- 18-Jun-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 27: 'Select & Adjust' (+New Selecting)
- 17-Jun-20 How
to Create a Dynamic 'Detect Edges' Using 'Linear Burn' Blend Mode
- 16-Jun-20 Five Examples of How to Use the Linear Burn Blend Mode
- 15-Jun-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 26: Lens Filter and Split Toning
- 13-Jun-20 Blend
Modes in Detail: 'Linear Burn' Calculations
- 12-Jun-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 25: How to Remove Haze in an Image
- 11-Jun-20 Blend
Modes in Detail: How Linear Burn Works
- 08-Jun-20 A
Quick and Easy Colour Edit with Black & White
- 06-Jun-20 Perking Up the Sky with a Fill Layer and Colour Burn
- 05-Jun-20 Emboss
- 04-Jun-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 24: How to Use the 'HSL' Adjustment
- 03-Jun-20 Five Examples of How to Use the 'Colour Burn' Blend Mode
- 02-Jun-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 23: Introducing the Curves Adjustment
- 01-Jun-20
Blend Modes
in Detail: 'Colour Burn' Calculations
- 30-May-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 22: Four Handy Brushes For Detail Work
- 29-May-20 Blend Modes in Detail: How Colour Burn Works
- 28-May-20 Rapid
Tinting with Recolour
- 25-May-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 21: Eliminating Noise With 'Denoise'
- 25-May-20 Seven Examples of How to Use the 'Multiply' Blend Mode
- 23-May-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 20: A Full Edit, Plus New Tips!
- 20-May-20 Blend Modes in Detail: How Multiply Works
- 19-May-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 19: Sharpening with 'Unsharp Mask'
- 17-May-20 'Darken' Blend Mode: Five Examples of How to Use It
- 15-May-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 18: Brightening Up a Dull City Landscape
- 14-May-20 Blend
Modes in Detail: How Darken Works
- 12-May-20
Displacing, a Problem, a Fix and Creativity!
- 11-May-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 17: How to Fix a 'Bitty' Sky
- 09-May-20 Blend
Mode Basics 5: Blend Calculation
- 08-May-20 Blend
Mode Basics 4: The Adjustment Blend Trick
- 07-May-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 16: Blurring the Background
- 06-May-20 Blend
Mode Basics 3: What You Can Blend
- 04-May-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 15: Selecting the Sky with 'Refine'
- 03-May-20 Blend
Mode Basics 2: Blend Groups and a Bit of History
- 30-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 14: Easily Using the Selection Brush
- 29-Apr-20 Blend
Mode Basics 1: How They Work
- 27-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 13: Understanding and Using Selection
- 26-Apr-20
Extracting Mono & Colour With Procedural Texture
- 25-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 12: Erasing Things with the Clone Brush
- 24-Apr-20 Full
Edit using Free Zone System Macros
- 23-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 11: Erasing Things Using The Inpainting
- 22-Apr-20 Free
Zone System Macros, including Select, Feather and Convert
- 21-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 10: About Brushes and the Paintbrush
- 20-Apr-20 Zone System 4:
Creating a Mask from a Chosen Zone
- 19-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 9: Fixing Dullness and Darkness using
- 18-Apr-20 Zone System 3:
Simple Control with Everyday Adjustments in Affinity Photo
- 17-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 8: Adjusting the White Balance
- 16-Apr-20 Zone System 2:
Using Free Zone Overlays with Affinity Photo
- 15-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 7: Better Colours
Using 'Vibrance'
- 13-Apr-20 The Zone
System: Part 1
- 11-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 6: A Bit More About
- 10-Apr-20 My
Workflow Stages and Steps
- 09-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 5: Brightness and
- 08-Apr-20 Full Edit
Using Free Shifter Macros
- 07-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 4: Moving and Zooming
- 05-Apr-20 Three Free Creative Macros
- 04-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 3: A Little Bit About
- 03-Apr-20 Handling a Hole-in-the-Middle Histogram
- 02-Apr-20 Absolute Beginner's Course: Episode 2: Magic Photo Fix
- 01-Apr-20 Full
Edit with Free Macros: TST Seascape
- 31-Mar-20 Absolute
Beginner's Course: Episode 1: A First Look
- 28-Mar-20 Lightening Shades with Free TST Macro
- 26-Mar-20 March 2020
- 26-Mar-20 Burn
Checker Plus -- Free Macros, Including Masker
- 25-Mar-20 Full
Edit using Free TST (Tint, Shade and Tone) Macros: National Flag
- 24-Mar-20
Understanding Colours by Brightness and Saturation
- 22-Mar-20 Free
Macros! Subtle Control of Tint, Shade and Tone
- 21-Mar-20 Partial Tone: A New Way to Select Near-Grey in an Image
- 19-Mar-20 Partial Tint: A New Way to Select and Use Light Parts of an Image
- 18-Mar-20
Using a Rounded Rectangle
- 17-Mar-20 Partial Shade: A New Way to Select Darks
- 15-Mar-20 Full Edit of Warsaw Restaurant
- 15-Mar-20 Histogram Squeeze and Shift
- 12-Mar-20 Quick'n'Easy Deep and Warm Theme
- 11-Mar-20 Quick
Colour Pick-me-up
- 10-Mar-20 Full Edit using Multiple Colour Models
- 09-Mar-20 3M
Dominance Gaps and How to Use Them (with Free Macro!)
- 08-Mar-20
Quick and
Easy: Lots of Painterly Watercolour Effects
- 07-Mar-20 Free
Macros for the 3M Dominance Model
- 06-Mar-20 Colour Grading Trick using Colour Balance
- 05-Mar-20 Procedural Texture Basics
- 04-Mar-20 Full
Edit: The Reader
- 02-Mar-20 Instant
Van Gogh Sky
- 01-Mar-20 Full
Edit Using Affinity Photo version 1.8 New Features
- 29-Feb-20 How it
Works: The 3M Dominance Model
- 28-Feb-20
Introduction to the 3M Dominance Model
- 27-Feb-20 Affinity
Photo 1.8 New Release, Features and More...
- 25-Feb-20
Extended Inverse-50 Monochrome Conversion Method
- 24-Feb-20 Full RAW
Edit in Develop Persona ('St Non's Winter')
- 23-Feb-20
Perceptual Colour Flattening and General Control
- 22-Feb-20
Quick and
Easy Variable Monochrome Conversion
- 21-Feb-20 Full
Edit: 'Selling Sony'
- 20-Feb-20 How
Blend Ranges Really Works (part 2)
- 18-Feb-20 How
the Graphs in Blend Ranges Really Work!
- 16-Feb-20
Free Macros!
Fast, Flexible Vignettes
- 15-Feb-20 Rich, Dark Colours using just One Adjustment
- 11-Feb-20 Voronoise! (What's
- 10-Feb-20 Free! 11 Neutral Density (ND) Filters in Affinity Photo Palette
- 07-Feb-20
Isolation, with Free Macros!
- 06-Feb-20 Burned Art Style Effect
- 04-Feb-20
Masking/Selecting Monochrome & Near-Monochrome Pixels
- 02-Feb-20
Easy Visual
Adjustment of Midtones
- 01-Feb-20
Conditional Expressions in Apply Image
- 30-Jan-20 Rescuing a Grotty Ceiling
- 29-Jan-20 Realistic Gradient Relighting
- 28-Jan-20
Swatches to Create and Save Gradients
- 27-Jan-20 The Magenta
- 26-Jan-20 Swatches
Basics 2: Creating Palettes
- 25-Jan-20 Swatches
Basics 1 (Palettes, Recent Colours and 'TBGW')
- 19-Jan-20 Saturation Map in Affinity Photo: Free Macros!
- 18-Jan-20 Saturation Mask Basics 3: Using Creative Adjustments
- 17-Jan-20 Saturation Mask Basics 2: Using Channels and Editing the Mask
- 16-Jan-20 Saturation Mask Basics 1: Creating and Simple Use
- 15-Jan-20
Full Edit:
Composite and Correction
- 14-Jan-20
Effects with Pixelate and Voronoi Filter
- 13-Jan-20 A
Simple Way to Brighten up a Rainbow
- 12-Jan-20 Quick and Easy Light Rebalancing
- 10-Jan-20 Super-HSL:
Macros for a Different Interface
- 09-Jan-20 Using the HSL Layer Separation Macro
- 08-Jan-20 Separating out Hue, Saturation and Luminosity Layers
- 07-Jan-20 Dave's Colour Models Macros for Affinity Photo (All Free!!)
- 03-Jan-20
Threshold in Affinity Photo 1.7 vs 1.8 (and a Microblur Fix!)
- 29-Dec-19 Four Ways to Create a Monochrome Photo Using Apply Image
- 25-Dec-19
a Rippled Reflection in Water
- 21-Dec-19 Quick and Easy Colour Popping
- 18-Dec-19
out a Colour Layer Using the Apply Image Tool
- 11-Dec-19 Magic Fix for Foreground-Sky Exposure Problem
- 07-Dec-19 Colour Grading an Image with Pastel Colours
- 02-Dec-19 Debugging and Analysing Macros
- 30-Nov-19 Macro Tips
- 28-Nov-19 Macro Basics
4: Layers, Selection (of layers), Moving layers and Groups
- 27-Nov-19 Macro Basics
3: Controls
- 26-Nov-19 Macro Basics
2: Simple Recording
- 25-Nov-19 Macro Basics
1: The LIbrary
- 24-Nov-19 The
Vivid-Overlay Sharpening Method
- 23-Nov-19 The
Super-Quick Inverse-Hue Trick
- 21-Nov-19
Edit: 'Impossible' Overhead Photo of Crossroads
- 20-Nov-19 CMYK vs
RGBW Colour/Tone Separation
- 19-Nov-19 Deconstructing CMYK (recreating the algorithm by which it is calculated)
- 18-Nov-19 Creating the RGBW Colour Model
- 16-Nov-19
Enhanced Monochrome Conversion in Affinity Photo's Develop Persona
- 15-Nov-19
What is
the Difference Between Contrast, Local Contrast and Sharpening?
- 14-Nov-19 Full
Edit: Wild Horses (With Focus on Local Contrast)
- 13-Nov-19 What
is Local Contrast (and How Can I Use It)?
- 12-Nov-19 How
to Refine Detected Edges (for such as Sharpen Masking)
- 11-Nov-19
How to
Select Whites with a Differential Selective Colour Method
- 10-Nov-19
Full Edit:
Replacing the Sky and Brightening Foreground to Match the Light
- 09-Nov-19
Understanding and Extending the Erase White Paper Command
- 08-Nov-19 Better Edge Enhancement with Detect Edges and Erase White Paper
- 07-Nov-19 Ways
of Using 'Erase White Paper' for Colour Enhancement
- 05-Nov-19 Full
Edit: Salt Mine Cathedral
- 02-Nov-19 Building a Zoned Mask using Posterise Adjustment
- 01-Nov-19
Ultra-Sharpening with a Stacked High-Pass Filter
- 31-Oct-19
Controllable Monochrome with Stacked Channels
- 30-Oct-19
Sharpening Ability using Black Separation
- 29-Oct-19 How
to Use High-Pass Sharpening
- 28-Oct-19 A Quick and Easy Colour Boost using a Saturation Fill
- 27-Oct-19
Converting to Monochrome (Black and White) with a Weighted Average in Apply
- 26-Oct-19
The Subtle
Power of Recessive Colours (using Selective Colour)
- 25-Oct-19 How
the Unsharp Mask Works, in Detail
- 24-Oct-19 Using
the Magnifier to See Fine Detail (on Windows)
- 23-Oct-19 How
to Make Light 'Blast' From Windows
- 22-Oct-19 Dehazing with an Unsharp Mask
- 21-Oct-19
Sharpening Using Split Unsharp Mask
- 20-Oct-19 How to use
the Unsharp Mask for Sharpening an Image
- 19-Oct-19 Sharpening Basics 1: How Sharpening Works
- 18-Oct-19
Creating Presence, Using Clarity, Vibrance and Saturation
- 17-Oct-19 Solarise Effect using Curves
- 16-Oct-19 A-B Testing of
Two Alternative Edits
- 15-Oct-19 Three
Effects Using the Solarise Adjustment
- 14-Oct-19 Understanding the Vibrance Slider
- 12-Oct-19 Channel Combination Masking
- 11-Oct-19
Two Very
Different Saturation Control Sliders
- 10-Oct-19
Ways of Addressing Artefacts and Oversharpening Effects
- 09-Oct-19 Understanding the Clarity Slider
- 08-Oct-19 Line
and Detail Control using a Levels/Blur Ladder
- 07-Oct-19 How
to Thicken or Thin Lines Using the Levels/Blur Ladder
- 06-Oct-19 Quick and Easy Harsh Sunlight Effect
- 04-Oct-19 Edge Detection with Laplacian Operator in Custom Blur
- 04-Oct-19 Robinson and Kirsch Compass Edge Masks using Custom Blur
- 03-Oct-19 Custom Blur with Prewitt and Sobel Operators
- 02-Oct-19 Custom
Blur Basics
- 01-Oct-19
Tip: Fixing
Lens Distortion Auto-Cropping
- 26-Sep-19 Fixing Rain-on-Lens Smudges
- 23-Sep-19 Super-Quick Photo Aging (Sepia and Colour Effects)
- 19-Sep-19 Fixing
a Dull Reflection
- 17-Sep-19 Dull
Shadow Fix Using Limited-Range Curve Stack
- 16-Sep-19 A
Double-Blend Tone-Mapping Edit
- 15-Sep-19 Super-Easy 3D Adjustment of Perspective
- 14-Sep-19
Painterly, Pointillist Effect using Maximum Blur
- 12-Sep-19 Enhancing Stars with Maximum Blur
- 10-Sep-19 Some Unusual Motion Blur Portrait Effects
- 09-Sep-19 Adding Glow using a Luminosity Mask (Two Methods)
- 08-Sep-19 Adding Glow to Cutout Object (Two Methods)
- 07-Sep-19 Glow
Basics (4-Step Blur Method)
- 06-Sep-19 Box Blur Neo-Impressionist Effect
- 05-Sep-19 Box Blur
- 02-Sep-19 Quick and Easy Pastel Effect
- 01-Sep-19 Quick and Natural Landscape Fix (with LAB Curves)
- 31-Aug-19 Landscape Fix with RGB Curves
- 30-Aug-19 Landscape Fix: Contrast and Colour
- 29-Aug-19 Natural Locus Motion Blur
- 28-Aug-19 Full Edit:
Intensify and Downplay Schema in Photo Editing
- 27-Aug-19 Colour Cast with Inverse Subtract
- 26-Aug-19
Unselective Darkening with Diffuse Glow
- 25-Aug-19 Automatic Dodge and Burn with Double Diffuse Glow
- 24-Aug-19 Understanding Diffuse Glow (and using it for Dodging)
- 22-Aug-19
Simulating a Neutral Density (ND) Filter for the Sky (bad, good and better
ways to do it)
- 21-Aug-19 Fixing White Balance with a Grey Layer
- 20-Aug-19 Windmill Spin with Radial Blur
- 19-Aug-19 Stealing Masks From Other Colour Models
- 18-Aug-19 Average Blur is an Easy Fix for a Colour Cast
- 17-Aug-19 Colour Range Masking using HSL
- 16-Aug-19 Destructive vs Non-destructive Image Editing
- 15-Aug-19 Two Types of Depth-of-Field Blur
- 14-Aug-19 Detecting Edges...with Blur!
- 13-Aug-19 Blur Basics 2
- 12-Aug-19 Blur Basics 1
- 08-Aug-19 Fantasy Edit: Bluebells and Trees Being Sucked into Maelstrom
- 07-Aug-19 A Look at
LAB Colour
- 06-Aug-19 Secrets of
How to Use LAB Curves
- 05-Aug-19 Full Edit: From RAW to Complete
- 05-Aug-19 August update
-- I'm back!
- 12-Jun-19 RGB
Colour Booster (with Channel Mixer)
- 10-Jun-19 Basic HDR Edit
- 01-Jun-19 Adding
Three-Dimensional (3D) Fog/Mist/Haze
- 29-May-19 Adding
Non-Destructive (Editable) Fog/Mist/Haze Effect
- 23-May-19 Using
the Transform Panel
- 22-May-19 Using
Free Stock Photos
- 19-May-19 InAffinity
Update: Plans for the Summer
- 18-May-19 How
to Align, Mask and Edit a Multi-Photo Panorama
- 16-May-19 Stitching Together a Multi-Photograph Panorama
- 15-May-19 The 'New
From Clipboard' Command
- 13-May-19 Creating a New Document or Image
- 12-May-19 Quick and Easy Signal Breakup 'Glitch' Effect
- 11-May-19 A
Super-Quick Pastel Sketch Effect
- 10-May-19 A
Quick and Easy Raggedy Border
- 09-May-19 A Gritty
Portrait Full Edit
- 07-May-19 Creating Outline Border Using Effects (fx)
- 06-May-19 Edit: Lightening ceiling and walls
- 05-May-19 Mitred
Gradient Border (both Inner and Outer)
- 04-May-19 White-out
Border Edit with Detail Breakthrough
- 03-May-19 Adding a
Simple Border
- 01-May-19 Five
More Useful New Shortcut Keys in Affinity Photo (and how to add them)
- 30-Apr-19 Five
Useful New Shortcut Keys in Affinity Photo (and how to add them)
- 28-Apr-19 Zoom Basics
- 27-Apr-19 Lightening Dark Colours with Channel Mixer
- 26-Apr-19 Text Basics 2
- 25-Apr-19 Text Basics 1
- 23-Apr-19 A Quick and Easy Super Enhancer Using the Channel Mixer
- 22-Apr-19 Dual Toning (Teal and Orange) with the Channel Mixer
- 21-Apr-19 Dual Toning (Teal and Orange) with Selective Colour adjustment
- 20-Apr-19 Dual
Colour Toning (Teal and Orange) with X-Curves
- 19-Apr-19 Exact Colour
Change with HSL
- 18-Apr-19 Dual Toning
(Teal and Orange) with HSL Adjustment
- 17-Apr-19 Dual
Toning (Teal and Orange) with Gradient Map
- 16-Apr-19 Dual Toning (Teal and Orange) with Colour Balance Adjustment
- 15-Apr-19 Dual
Toning (Teal and Orange) with Split Toning
- 14-Apr-19 Understanding Teal and Orange Colour Toning
- 13-Apr-19 Using a Softened Shape as a Mask
- 12-Apr-19 An Extreme Edit in Affinity Photo Develop Persona, using Overlays
- 11-Apr-19 Shapes Basics
in Affinity Photo
- 10-Apr-19 Node Tool
- 09-Apr-19
Reverse Poisson Hard Curve Effect
- 08-Apr-19 Contrast
Effects with the Grey Curve
- 07-Apr-19 Pen Tool
Basics 2: Drawing Curves
- 06-Apr-19 A Quick
and Easy Silvered Effect
- 05-Apr-19 Pen Tool
Basics 1: Drawing Lines
- 03-Apr-19 A Quick and
Easy 'Paint-by-Numbers' Picture Effect
- 02-Apr-19 Basics
of Vectors, Lines, Nodes and Shapes
- 01-Apr-19 Patch Tool
- 31-Mar-19 The Healing
Brush (vs. Clone Brush and Inpainting Brush)
- 29-Mar-19 Inpainting
- 28-Mar-19 Clone
Brush Basics 3: Context Menu Controls
- 27-Mar-19 Clone
Brush Basics 2: Using Different Sources
- 26-Mar-19 Clone
Brush Basics 1: How Cloning Works
- 25-Mar-19
Full Edit in Affinity Photo Develop Persona
- 24-Mar-19
Non-Destructive Vignette with Movable Centre
- 23-Mar-19 Extracting RGB, CMYK and LAB Into Separate Layers Using Channels
- 22-Mar-19
Fixing Burned Out Highlights Using Blend Ranges
- 21-Mar-19
RGB, CMYK and LAB Channels Into Separate Layers Using Channel Mixer
- 20-Mar-19 Full
Affinity Photo Edit: Luminous Moon with Trees and Sheep
- 19-Mar-19 Extracting RGB, CMYK and LAB into Separate Layers Using Curves
- 18-Mar-19 Brush Basics
6: Symmetry, Blend Modes, Wet Edges and Protect Alpha
- 17-Mar-19 Brush Basics
5: Pen + Tablet and Stabiliser
- 16-Mar-19 A Quick and Easy Coloured Crayon Drawing Effect
- 15-Mar-19 Brush Basics
4: Dynamics, Jitter and Texture
- 14-Mar-19 Brush Basics
3: Flow, Spacing and More...
- 13-Mar-19 Brush Basics
2: Selecting Brushes
- 12-Mar-19 Brush Basics
1: Width, Opacity and Hardness (plus extra tips!)
- 10-Mar-19 Frequency Separation: How It Works, In Detail!
- 08-Mar-19 Frequency Separation: Manual Method
- 07-Mar-19 Frequency Separation -- Five Powerful Tips
- 05-Mar-19 Frequency Separation Basics
- 04-Mar-19 Three
Types of Blur and Their Effect on Noise and Edges
- 03-Mar-19 The Psychedelic, Sinusoidal Curve!
- 02-Mar-19 Selecting the Sky Using Channels
- 01-Mar-19 When to Use
the Blur Brush or the Median Brush
- 28-Feb-19 Dodge and
Burn Tips #2
- 27-Feb-19 Dodge and
Burn Tips #1
- 26-Feb-19 Non-destructive
Dodge and Burn #3
- 25-Feb-19 Non-destructive
Dodge and Burn #2
- 24-Feb-19 Non-destructive Dodge and Burn #1
- 23-Feb-19 Dodge and
Burn Brush Basics
- 21-Feb-19 Non-Destructive Sponge Brush Effect
- 20-Feb-19 Sponge
Brush Basics
- 19-Feb-19 Channels
Basics 3: Selection Controls
- 18-Feb-19 Channels
Basics 2: Layer Controls
- 14-Feb-19 Channels
Basics 1: Composite Controls
- 13-Feb-19 Three
Erase Brushes
- 12-Feb-19 Fill Layer
Tips 1: Using the Fill Layer Like a Mask
- 11-Feb-19
Replacement using Pixel and Fill Layers
- 10-Feb-19 Colour Replacement Brush
- 09-Feb-19 From
Stupid to Sensational in Five Easy Minutes
- 08-Feb-19 Old Photo Fix
#3: Removing Fades
- 07-Feb-19 Old Photo Fix
#2: Colour Tweaks
- 06-Feb-19 Old Photo Fix
- 05-Feb-19 Colour
Edit with Selective Colour Adjustment Tool
- 04-Feb-19 Selective Colour Basics 2: How Tones are Changed
- 03-Feb-19 Selective Colour Basics 1: How Colours are Changed
- 02-Feb-19 RGB Thinking
- 25-Jan-19 Fixing
the Horizon Halo
- 24-Jan-19
Wash Effect using Channel Mixer
- 23-Jan-19 Masking with
- 22-Jan-19
Contrast with a Gradient Map
- 21-Jan-19 Easy Split Toning with the Gradient Map
- 20-Jan-19 Tonal Range Masking Using a Gradient Map
- 19-Jan-19
Range Visualisation using a Gradient Map
- 17-Jan-19 Monochrome Conversion using the Gradient Map
- 16-Jan-19 Quick
Colour Fix With the Channel Mixer
- 15-Jan-19 Gradient
Map Basics
- 14-Jan-19
Making a Sunnier Sunrise with a Radial Gradient
- 13-Jan-19
Creating a
Graphic with a Bitmap Gradient
- 12-Jan-19
Creating a Colour Wheel using a Conical Gradient
- 11-Jan-19 Gradient
Basics 4: Gradients in Shapes
- 10-Jan-19 Gradient
Basics 3: Elliptical Gradient
- 08-Jan-19 Gradient
Basics 2: Overlays and Masks
- 06-Jan-19 Gradient
Basics 1: The main interface
- 05-Jan-19
Finding the
Darkest and Lightest Pixels in an Image
- 04-Jan-19 Light
Cartooning Effect
- 03-Jan-19 Bear Rescue! Full
Edit Session
- 02-Jan-19
Catching Clipped Pixels in the Develop Persona
- 01-Jan-19 Histogram
Basics 2: Shaping the Histogram in Affinity Photo's Develop Persona
- 01-Jan-19 Histogram
Basics 1: Structure and Shape
- 30-Dec-18 Split
Toning Basics
- 29-Dec-18 Colour Edit with Channel Mixer and RGB Thinking
- 28-Dec-18 Autofixes
- 26-Dec-18 Tinting an
Image Using a Fill Layer
- 25-Dec-18 Watermarking image with Curves and adding Text Overlay
- 24-Dec-18 Curves
Basics 5: Five Extra Tips
- 23-Dec-18 The Move Tool
- 23-Dec-18 New Levels
Adjustment in Affinity Photo (v1.7)
- 22-Dec-18 Stacked Threshold Masking
- 21-Dec-18
Grottiness with Perlin Noise!
- 20-Dec-18 Change in HSL
Adjustment in Affinity Photo (v1.7)
- 19-Dec-18 Relighting a Landscape with One Easy Effect
- 18-Dec-18 Rasterise and Trim vs Rasterise
- 17-Dec-18
Watercolour Splash and Pencil Effect using Affinity Photo
- 16-Dec-18 CMYK Basics
- 15-Dec-18 CMY Basics
- 13-Dec-18 Channel Mixer Basics 3: The '100%' Rule
- 12-Dec-18 Channel Mixer Basics 2: Changing the Colour Wheel
- 11-Dec-18 Channel Mixer Basics 1
- 10-Dec-18 RGB Basics
- 04-Dec-18 The View (Hand)
- 02-Dec-18 A Quick
and Easy Day-Into-Night Edit
- 30-Nov-18 Pointillism
(Part 2)
- 29-Nov-18 A
Pointillism Effect
- 28-Nov-18 Emulating
Seven Tools Just with Curves!
- 27-Nov-18 Adding
Drama and Headlights in Day-to-Evening Edit
- 26-Nov-18
Creating Richer Colours Using Black and White Adjustment and Blending
- 25-Nov-18 Ten-Second Photo Ageing Method
- 24-Nov-18
Five Ways
to Richen Colours in Curves
- 23-Nov-18 Three Ways
to Richen Colours using HSL
- 22-Nov-18
Easy Richen
of Colours using Blend Modes
- 20-Nov-18 Separating Tone and Colour using HSL
- 19-Nov-18 The
Threshold Adjustment Tool
- 18-Nov-18 Separating Tone and Colour with CMYK Curves
- 16-Nov-18 Selecting Hair (and Changing the Background)
- 15-Nov-18 How to
Find and Fix Dust Spot Bunnies
- 14-Nov-18 The
Contrast Tile Line in Curves
- 13-Nov-18 Exposure Shifting with the 'Line Slide' in Curves
- 11-Nov-18 Jpeg
Artefacts and a Blur Fix
- 10-Nov-18 Using
a Pixel Layer as a Mask
- 06-Nov-18 Accurate White Balance Using the Info Panel
- 05-Nov-18 Copying a Mask Between Layers
- 04-Nov-18 Making an Old Colour Photo Using Curves
- 03-Nov-18 A Quick and Easy Cartoon Effect
- 02-Nov-18
and Control with Blend Ranges
- 02-Nov-18 Layers
Basics 9: Positions and Priorities
- 01-Nov-18 Haze Removal
- 31-Oct-18 Mask
Basics 3: Extending a Mask with Selection
- 30-Oct-18 A
Quick and Easy Saturation Mask
- 26-Oct-18 Masking
Basics 2: Adjustment Layer Masking
- 25-Oct-18 Masking
Basics 1: How Masks Work
- 19-Oct-18
A Quick,
Two-Curve, Mask-Inversion Edit
- 18-Oct-18
Chromatic Aberration (Purple Fringing)
- 14-Oct-18 The 'Spoon'
- 13-Oct-18 Fixing
the 'Wide Person' Problem
- 12-Oct-18
Making Use
of Histogram Dead Zones in Curves
- 07-Oct-18 Sunrise Edit:
From Bleah to Fab
- 08-Sep-18 Three
Things Few People Know About Curves
- 08-Sep-18 Colour
Balancing with Curves
- 08-Sep-18
Basics 8: Duplicating and Inverting
- 07-Sep-18 Layers Basics 7: Child Layers
- 07-Sep-18 Layer Basics
6: Groups
- 07-Sep-18 Using Linear Gradient to Rebalance Light Across a Picture
- 06-Sep-18 Woodcut Effect
- 04-Sep-18 Studio
Panel Basics
- 03-Sep-18 Layers Basics 5: Fill Layers
- 02-Sep-18 Layers Basics 4: Adjustment Layers
- 28-Aug-18
Basics 3: Opacity and Gradients
- 25-Aug-18 Layers Basic
2: Erase brush and Popping
- 24-Aug-18 Layers Basics 1
- 23-Aug-18
Curves, Gray
Space and the Deep J-Curve
- 20-Aug-18 How to Use
Colour Balance
- 19-Aug-18
HSL, the
Colour Wheel and Individual Colour Change
- 18-Aug-18 Easy and
Dramatic Starscape Edit
- 16-Aug-18
Constraining Curves with a Luminosity Mask
- 15-Aug-18 Curves Without Colour Change
- 13-Aug-18 Curves:
The Top-U Curve
- 12-Aug-18 What is
- 11-Aug-18 Curves: The Cliff
- 10-Aug-18 The
Bottom N-Curve
- 09-Aug-18 What HSL
and HSV Really Do
- 08-Aug-18 Tints,
Shades, Tones and HSL
- 02-Aug-18 Converting
a Layer to a Mask
- 02-Aug-18 Converting
a Mask to a Pixel Layer
- 01-Aug-18 Converting a Mask to a Selection
- 01-Aug-18 Converting a Selection to a Mask
- 31-Jul-18 Converting a Selection into a New Layer
- 31-Jul-18 Convert Layer to Selection
- 22-Jul-18
Clipping, Masking and Processing Sequence
- 22-Jul-18 What is Alpha?
- 22-Jul-18 What is
'Preserve Alpha'?
- 21-Jul-18 The Curves
White Down-tick
- 21-Jul-18 The Curves Black
- 18-Jul-18 Curves: The
- 18-Jul-18 Curves: The
- 17-Jul-18 Curves:
The Middle-Bump Curve
- 17-Jul-18 Curves:
Middle-Dip Curve
- 14-Jul-18 Curves: The
- 13-Jul-18 Curves: The
Basic U-Curve
- 13-Jul-18 Curves: The Basic
- 13-Jul-18 Selection by Alpha Range
- 13-Jul-18
Masked Tints and Blends
- 12-Jul-18 Selection by Tonal Range
- 09-Jul-18
Depth and Movement with both Depth of Field and Motion Blurs
- 09-Jul-18 What is Gamma?
- 05-Jul-18 Three Very Different Results of Monochrome Conversion
- 05-Jul-18 Selection by Colour Range
- 04-Jul-18 Selection with Polygonal Lasso
- 04-Jul-18 Selection with Freehand Lasso
- 04-Jul-18 Selection using Magnetic Lasso
- 04-Jul-18 Warming
a Photo with Curves
- 04-Jul-18 Curves: The
Short S-Curve
- 03-Jun-18 Selection
with the Selection Brush
- 03-Jun-18 Selection with Quick Mask
- 03-Jun-18 Selection using Elliptical Marquee
- 03-Jun-18 Selection Tips 2: Selection Brush Size
- 03-Jun-18 Selection with Row and Column Marquee Tools
- 03-Jun-18 Selection with Rectangular Marquee
- 03-Jun-18 Luminosity Selection
- 03-Jun-18
using Select Sampled Colour
- 02-Jun-18 Refining a
- 01-Jun-18
Adjusting Contrast with Blend Ranges and Curves
- 31-May-18
Selection Tips 1 - Negative Selection
- 31-May-18 Selection with the Flood Select Tool (magic wand)
- 31-May-18 Creating a Negative Image with Curves
- 30-May-18 Curves
Reverse-S for Reducing Contrast
- 30-May-18 Using
Selection Outline Tool
- 30-May-18 Selection
Basics 1
- 23-May-18
Curves Basics 4: Overcoming the Contrast Trade-Off
- 22-May-18 Curves:
The Power of the Picker
- 22-May-18
Adjusting Individual Colours with Curves
- 21-May-18
Curves Bottom-heavy S: Contrast with Shadows Bias
- 21-May-18 How to Add a
- 20-May-18 Curves J-curve: Darkening Shadows
- 20-May-18 Curves Basic S-shape: Changing Contrast
- 19-May-18
Basics 3: Brightening and Darkening
- 19-May-18 Curves Basics 2: It's All About Contrast!
- 18-May-18
How to
Fill in Corners After Rotation using Inpainting
- 18-May-18 Infra-Red Monochrome Effect
- 17-May-18 Basic Colour Theory: The Colour Wheel and Harmonies
- 17-May-18
Harmonious Images with Colour Chords
- 17-May-18 Curves Basics
- 16-May-18
Lamps with Layer Masking
- 16-May-18 Relighting Lamps with the Lighting Filter
- 16-May-18 Relighting Lamps with Shapes
- 16-May-18 Relighting Lamps with the Paintbrush
- 07-Mar-18 Making Poster or Page with Photos and Text
- 06-Mar-18
Straighten Rectangle with Perspective Tool
- 05-Mar-18 Jigsaw Image
Editing with Channel Selections
- 03-Mar-18 Image Layered
- 03-Mar-18 Straighten Horizon with Warp Tool
- 02-Mar-18
Straighten Horizon with Perspective Tool
- 02-Mar-18 Straighten Horizon With Move Tool Shear
- 02-Mar-18
Straighten Horizon in Photo Persona with Crop Tool
- 02-Mar-18
Straighten Horizon in Develop Persona with Lens Correction
- 02-Mar-18
Straighten Horizon in Develop Persona with Crop Tool
See also
Affinity Photo Tutorials Categories