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Disciplines > Warfare > Principles > Division Principle | Effect | Invoking | Analogy | See also
PrincipleDivide and conquer. EffectLarge, coordinated forces are difficult to defeat. When you separate the enemy into small units you can more easily defeat each one. Separation cuts them off from one another, making communication and coordination difficult. Units which are cut off cannot even call for help. Dividing them also makes supply difficult and some of their units may go hungry or have limited ammunition. InvokingLure away units from the main force, for example by attacking a remote base. Divide your own forces, attacking them on several fronts so they have to divide their attention to counter your action. Drive a wedge into their main force, separating parts of the main battlefield army. Use propaganda and spies to sow dissention in their ranks, dividing their thinking from within. AnalogyMake multiple demands in a negotiation, forcing them to divide their attention. In a presentation to a group, talk to individuals beforehand to get them each onside. In the group setting it should then be just a matter of rubber-stamping your request. See also |
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