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The Transtheoretical Model of Change
Explanations > Theories > The Transtheoretical Model of Change Description | Example | So What? | See also | References
DescriptionWe go through a number of stages when faced with a need to change or take action.
This model is particularly applicable for such as addiction and health, where the person is not likely to be easily willing to change. ExampleAn addict starts out happily addicted, but then gradually becomes aware of the down-side addiction. They think for a long time about doing something and eventually decide they must act. There is still a while before they take action. It is difficult to keep going and many others being treated drop out and go back to addiction. With support, however, the addict gets to the end of the treatment and transitions to a new life. So What?Using itWhen you are helping someone change, think about where they are at the moment and how to get them to the next step, not just straight into action. See alsoReferencesProchaska (1979), Prochaska and DiClemente (1982)
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