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Attentive Body Language
Techniques > Using Body Language > Attentive Body Language Listening | Wanting more | See also
When you are in conversation or otherwise attending to what others are saying or doing, you body sends signals to the other person as to how interested you really are. Attentive body language sends a strong signal of real and deep interest that is both flattering and likely to result in reciprocal attention. It was said that if you met with the English 19th century politician William Gladstone, you would come away thinking he was the most intelligent and witty person in the country. If, however, you met his peer Benjamin Disraeli, then you would come away thinking that you were the most intelligent and witty person. Disraeli, it would seem, was somewhat more skilled at paying attention. ListeningA person who is attentive is first of all listening. This can be of varying intensity though attentive listening is deep and interested. Ignoring distractionsThere are many competing stimuli that demand our attention. If a person ignores distraction, from phone calls to other people interrupting, then they send strong and flattering 'I am interested in you' signals. StillnessBody movement often betrays distracting thoughts and feelings. When the listener is largely still, the implication is of forgetting everything else except the other person, with not even internal dialogue being allowed to distract. Leaning forwardWhen I am interested in you and what you have to say I will likely lean slightly towards you, perhaps better to hear everything you have to say. Tilted headAn attentive head may be tilted slightly forward. It also may show curiosity when tilted to the side (although this may also indicate uncertainty). A side tilt exposes the neck which indicates comfort and no feelings of threat. GazeAn attentive person looks at the other person without taking their gaze away. They will likely blink less, almost for fear of missing something. Furrowed browConcentration may also be shown in the forehead as the eyebrows are brought together as the listener seeks to hear and understand the other person. Wanting moreAn attentive person seeks not just to hear but to be ready to listen to everything the other person has to say. PatienceWhen you want to hear more from the other person you are patient, listening until they have finished speaking and not butting in with your views. Even when you have something to say or when they pause, you still patiently seek a full understanding of them and give them space in which to complete what they have to say. Open bodyOpen body language shows that you are not feeling defensive and are mentally open to what they have to say (and hence not closed to their thoughts). Slow noddingNodding shows agreement and also encourages the other person to keep talking. Fast nodding may show impatience, whilst a slower nod indicates understanding and approval. Interest noisesLittle noises such as 'uh huh' and 'mmm' show that you are interested, understand and want to hear more. They thus encourage the other person to keep talking. ReflectingWhen you reflect the other person back to them they feel affirmed and that you are aligned with them. Reflecting activities range from matching body language to paraphrasing what they say. See also |
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