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Techniques Conversion > Engagement

Work that converts the person | Work that sustains the group | See also


People are a group's greatest resource and they typically make full use of them, both as a way of converting and retaining people, and also as to earn money and otherwise sustain the group.

Work that converts the person

The devil make work for idle hands and also gives space for bad thoughts. Engagement is thus used as a way of keeping people busy and hence keeping them in the group. When people are engaged from dawn to dusk in work, then they have little time to think about leaving and also little opportunity to leave.

Work and engagement is used initially to help convert the person to the group. Their life is filled with small and large things. As they act in ways to support the group and its values, then their beliefs and values will change to be consistent with their actions.

Work that sustains the group

Work is also important on a more mundane level to sustain the group. Converted members are kept busy on these activities.

The simplest work is housework, building, and general help around the group's headquarters or home base. In any community, there is plenty of such work to keep idle hands busy. It is safe and easy for early group members and allows anyone suspected of leaving to be contained and observed.

Making money is a very important activity and not all groups go out begging or playing simple con tricks on the suspicious public (this is seldom a good way to recruit new members). The group may form its own company and strengths of group members, from computing to bricklaying are utilized wherever possible.

One of the greatest tasks that can be done in a group and which is usually done by the more trusted members of the group is recruitment of new members. This is a skilled sales job and the people doing this may receive intensive training in effective methods.

Engagement is also created through assorted rituals and ceremonies where the commitment of the group member is tested and strengthened.

See also

Consistency principle

Conversion Books

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