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Home Staging and Fragrance


Techniques > Home Staging > Home Staging and Fragrance

Description | Discussion | See also



Make sure the house smells good. There are two approaches to this: nice smells or neutral smells.

For neutral smells, just ensure everything is clean. A quick blast around with a neutral air spray just before the visit can also help.

For fragrant smells, you can do various things, but beware of over-doing it as a nice smell to you may be cloying or unpleasant for others. Fragrances you can create that most people like include:

  • Newly-baked bread
  • Fresh coffee
  • Flowers (find the best fragrance)
  • Washed and aired clothing and bed linen
  • Air-freshener
  • A stick of cinnamon in the oven
  • Scented candles

If you have pets, then it is best if you can house them and their odours away from the house for a while. Remove cat litter, dog bedding and other things that may have smells soaked into them.

Ensure the bathrooms are particularly clean and have absolutely no 'toilet odours'. Also remove the garbage from the kitchen and ensure there are no old-food smells (check the refrigerator too).


The sense of smell is one of the most primitive senses we have. It is also one of the earliest and some of the most evocative smells are those experienced as an infant or young child.

The overwhelm of sights and sound leads us to pay less conscious attention to smells. This pushes much of the effect of smells into the unconscious, where it can have subtle impact. This is a key reason for ensuring your house smells good.

A problem with smells is that when you get used to them, you do not register them. Yet others arriving in the house may wrinkle their noses at the odour. Pets are a particular and common example, as is smoke from cigarettes.

Ideas for scents in different rooms include:

  • Vanilla or fruit in the kitchen
  • Flowers or wook in the utility or laundry
  • Apple/cinnamon in the lounge
  • Lavender or linen in the bedroom

See also


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