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The Importance of Mood


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About moods | How to change moods | See also


About moods

Moods are medium term emotional states. They are shorter than a person's long-term temperament and longer than an impulsive response to an individual event.

Moods are generally negative or positive. Negative moods include those base in depression, anger, fear and so on. The main positive mood is happiness, with contentment as a good mood but slightly less positive than what we would consider as being happy.

The important thing about moods for tipping is that people give more and bigger tips when they are in a positive mood. Your job in providing a service to people who will tip you based on their mood is to crank up their happiness, at least until they pay the bill.

How to change moods

So how do you change moods? How do you make people happier? The first and most essential method is to be positive and happy yourself. This does not necessarily mean bouncing and laughing, but sometimes that can help. Most servers just cannot keep up excessive cheerfulness all day, so a pleasant, smiling and friendly manner is often a workable alternative.

Most people coming into your zone of influence will be reasonably happy. They have come to your restaurant to have a good time and may well be with people they like. This is good news as it makes your work less difficult and all you need to do is keep their happiness up and not lose it by bad service or being in a bad mood yourself.

Basic methods include being like them and complimenting them. More subtle methods include giving them candy, drawing a happy face on the check and getting down to their level. Critical principles in these methods include showing that you are human, like them and are a nice person to know.

In the end, the most important thing to do is try things out. There are many articles here on how to get a bigger tip which are about changing mood, so have a go with them all and find which work for you.

See also

Emotions, How to Get a Bigger Tip


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