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Baker-Miller Pink


Explanations > Perception > Baker-Miller Pink

Description | Discussion | So what?



Baker-Miller pink is a shade of pink to which a number of effects have been attributed, including:

  • Reducing aggression
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Reducing muscle tension
  • Suppressing appetite

The composition and appearance of Baker-Miller pink is as follows:



Red: 255





The effect of this may be limited and also may not be sustained over a longer period.


Baker-Miller Pink was defined by Alexander Schauss initially by getting himself aroused and then staring at cards of different colors. The final pink was discovered by varying and finely tuning the color.

The effect of calming was first tested fully in experiments at military and state correctional facilities, and also at psychiatric hospitals indicated a reduction in physiological variables associated with aggression. Baker and Miller were military officers who helped with the initial study.

Detainees put in a holding room painted in this shade calmed within 15 minutes and the effect was sustained after they left for another 30 minutes.

Other experiments found that a smaller holding room (eg. 8 by 10 feet) was more universally effective than a larger room (eg. 10 by 15 feet), where some people were not affected. It was also found that dark gray or neutral brown flooring was best.

At a county mental health facility, enraged youths calmed down within 10 minutes, sufficient to be allowed out of the Baker-Miller pink room.

Schauss suggested, after research by John Ott, that this effect could be due to the effect on the endocrine system.

The University of Iowa sports department painted the changing rooms for guest teams in this color, in order to make them less competitive. After complaints, it was eventually mandated that both home and guest team rooms should be painted the same color.

Baker-Miller pink is also known as 'drunk-tank pink'.

So what?

Use the color where a calming effect is needed. For example this could be in a dentist's waiting room where patients are particularly anxious. It could also be used in advertising.

Beware of over-doing it. People faced with this color for longer periods could get rather overpowered or irritated by it.

See also

Schauss, A.G. (1979). Tranquilizing effect of color reduces aggressive behavior and potential violence. Journal of Orthomolecular Psychology, 8, 4, 218-221.

Schauss, A.G. (1985). The Physiological Effect of Color on the Suppression of Human Aggression: Research on Baker-Miller Pink, International Journal of Biosocial Research, 7, 2, 55-64

Pellegrini, R.J., Schauss, A.G., Kerr, T.J. and Ah You, B. (1981). Grip Strength and Exposure to Hue Differences in Visual Stimuli: Is Postural Status a Factor? Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 17, 1, 27-28.


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