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Theorists and concepts


Explanations > Critical Theory > Theorists

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Many people have contributed to Critical Theory in all its sprawl across multiple domains. Here are just a few of them, arranged in historical order.


Theorist Concept Note
Sigmund Freud, (1856-1939)
Founder of Psychoanalysis. See also Early and Late Freud.
Ego, id superego Subconscious id, superego as conscience
Psychosexual Stage Theory Anal onwards
Identification Associate with others.
Internalization Adopting objects into body
Incorporation Primitive ingestion into body
Life and death drives Eros and Thanatos
Narcissism Self-love; primary and secondary
Oedipus Complex Transition away from mother; realizing gender
Defense Mechanisms Ego protection
Ferdinand de Saussure, (1857-1913)

French linguist

Difference Meaning through word difference
Semiotics Study of signs
Signifier and Signified Two parts of signification
Langue and Parole System of language and Utterance
Synchrony and Diachrony Language as system of signs and Changing meaning over time
Syntagm and Paradigm signs operating together; replaceable signs
Max Weber (1864 – 1920), left-wing liberal German political economist and sociology Religion and capitalism 'Protestant work ethic': work hard but don't spend on self or church = grow business
Noncapitalism Confucianism/Taoism don't support capitalism
State Social class, status, party.
Marcel Mauss (1872 - 1950), French Sociologist and Anthropologist Gifts Cultural gift-exchange ritual; object contains identity of giver
Body techniques Gender, class, cultural patterns; eating, washing, sitting, swimming, etc.
Melanie Klein, (1882-1960)

Post-Freudian analyst of British School

Studied children and aggression; built Object Relations Theory

Object Relations Theory Relationships of objects.
Good object, bad object Objects that meet needs or not
Splitting Separating good and bad objects
Phantasy vs. fantasy Subconscious fantasy
Projection and Introjection In/out movement of objects
Counter-transference Effect of transference on subject; affection of therapist
Introjective identification From others and holding close; Effect of love
Projective identification Into others and then holding close
The paranoid-schizoid position paranoid fear of annihilation by the bad object; splitting off
The depressive position realizing good and bad objects are same person; fear of rejection, guilt
Play in learning and study; play therapy
Donald Winnicott, (1896-1971)

British pediatrician and therapist

True self, false self selves of integrity and adaptation
The good-enough mother adapts to needs; helps gradual transition
Development stages Undifferentiated unity, Transition, Relative independence
The Transition Object Carer substitute and not-me object
Wilfred Bion, (1897-1979)

British psychoanalyst

Work Group Focus on primary task
The Basic Assumption Group Go into dependency, pairing, fight/flight
Norbert Elias (1897 - 1990), German-Polish-Jewish-British sociologist Habitus Habits and structures created by social structures, esp. European etiquette
Figuration Dynamic, shifting set of connections between people
Jaques Lacan, (1901-1981). French psychoanalyst The neonatal phase Early wholeness
The Mirror phase Misrecognition of image; narcissism; self-loathing
The Symbolic Register Father, language, culture
Jouissance Early pleasure too much to bear
Three registers of human reality Real, Imaginary, Symbolic
Desire Borne out of lack
Emile Benveniste, 1902-1976, French linguist Pronoun 'shifters' 'I' changes with context. 'I' am spoken by language.
Barthes, Roland, 1915-1980

French structuralist, linguist and philosopher.

Known for Mythologies.

Death of the author Reading as interpretation, not deciphering.
Denotation Basic meaning of word.
Connotation Extended meaning of word.
Althusser, Louis, 1918-1990

Algerian-French structuralist Marxist philosopher.

Individual is subject of ideological misrecognition.

Ideology A controlling set of ideas.
Interpellation We are 'hailed' into subject positions.
Ideological State Apparatus Thought control by idea control (vs. Repressive SA).
Foucault, Michel, (1926 – 1984). Radical postmodernism, post-structuralism French philosopher Institutions Genealogy (evolution). Systems of control.
Identity Self defined by continuing discourse.
Technologies of the self Self-discovery, self-exploration, self-control, self-disclosure
Discourse Things created through talk, which is shaped by culture
Derrida, Jaques, (1930–2004). Jewish, Algerian-born French critic and philosopher. Known for deconstructism, post-structuralism and postmodernism Différance Unstable meaning in opposites.
Trace Saying black hints at white.
Pierre Bourdieu, (1930 - 2002), French sociologist, philosopher and anthropologist.


Symbolic capital Position power; enables symbolic violence.
Life histories Reconstructed experience of unified self.


Field social arena where people compete for resources (vs. Marx's 'class').
Habitus Extending Elias. Includes objective and subjective.
Julia Kristeva, 1941-

Bulgarian philosopher, psychoanalyst and feminist

The Chora Early pre-linguistic unity
Abjection Deep horror; fear
Butler, Judith, (1956-)

American Post-structuralist feminist philosopher

Uses Foucault (discursives) and Austin (speech act)

Gendering Gender is socially created and in performance.
Queer theory Sexuality as being socially constructed
Performativity Utterances that create the action. Bias that creates what it says.


Other odd ones


Jaqueline Rose Feminist.

See Desire

Laplanche, Jean Complexities of desire and parental sexual signification. Primal seduction creating the self.

See Other

Masson, Jeffrey Said Freud saw patriarchal abuse and incest, yet recast it as unconscious fantasy.
Zizek Blended Lacanian psychoanalysis and cultural theory.

Delicate balance of desire and law, enjoyment and meaning. Centrality of enjoyment and fantasy as coping. Unconscious elements of Ideology. Decentred self through pre-ideological lack of desire.

See also


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